Today I'll be joining my small group in our study on 2nd Peter. As I spent time in the Bible reading 2 Peter 2, I felt the enormity of the world stage surrounding me. Especially in how Americans are blatantly disobeying God. There has always been sin, but I'm watching how families are collapsing with misleading guidelines of bettering life.

So many vulnerable people, especially younger people and children, are being misled into believing freedom lies in the pursuits of sin. As I read these verses, I pictured these things unfolding constantly around me. I suppose Lot might have felt this way, too, as Peter describes Lot as having a righteous soul tormented by the lawless deeds he saw and heard.

I find comfort in verse 9, which says if God rescued Lot, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the day of judgment.