Lent Day 26

No Rest No Jesus, Know Jesus and you will Know REST!

Rest comes from Salvation! Salvation comes from Trusting the Lord.

Do you know who Jesus is?

He asked his Disciples " Who do people say I am?" Some say a prophet, some a teacher, but Peter answered "You are the Christ the Son of the Living God!"

As we celebrate the coming of Easter we prepare during Lent. Lent is a time to reflect who Jesus is.

Who is my Jesus? Here is my answer… Jesus is my Savior, my Lord, my Messiah! He died on the cross for my sins that I may be made whole & stand righteous under the blood of the cross. Am I sinless? No but God the Father sees me covered by the Robe of Righteousness of Jesus Christ therefore my sin is washed white as Snow! I am overwhelmingly thankful for all that Jesus has done in my life.

Today, I am who I am because of Him! Jesus changed my life when I made him Lord and Savior over my Body Mind and Soul. The day I asked Jesus to come into my heart to be my LORD, to forgive my sins, his death on the cross provided me salvation.

His salvation brought rest to my Soul. He has transformed my thinking. By reading the Word of God each day I renew my mind. By accepting His forgiveness, his blood has cleansed me from all my unrighteousness.

I am sanctified! I have a confidence and Hope of Heaven when I die. Jesus Restored my Hope, He Renews My Mind, and each day I grow in love with Him I am ReEnergized - Strengthened by the washing of the Word in my life. I now have the confidence to TRUST Jesus. This year God the Father has taught me to "Be Still (QUIET) and Know that I Am God!" So as we approach Sunday I sit in quiet rest knowing NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS GOD IS IN CONTROL!

Jesus Christ died on the cross for you!

Today is the day, now is the time - Repent - ask Jesus to forgive your sins. For HE is faithful and just to forgive your unrighteousness. Accept His Salvation. Jesus Christ died on the cross for you thank Him for Salvation, for Salvation through Jesus Christ brings healing and restoration. Jesus Restores Hope! Reading the Word Transforms your Thinking, by Renewing your Mind, and as our Body Mind and Soul are interconnected this transition will ReEnergize your Body.

The choice is yours! One day the Sovereign Lord will ask you " Will you accept my SON, Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior WILL YOU HAVE IT?" The Choice is yours… there is #AlwaysHope

#NeverGiveUp #LentDay26 #BodyMindAndSoul #RestoreHope #RenewYourMind #ReEnergizeYourBody

#NowIsTheTime #Salvation #HopeForTheHurting
