"It's just a part of my past that I just, don't want to, re-visit again!"

And that was all she, wrote…

But, you can't help but wonder, what had, happened to her when she was so young, that made her, shut away, all those, memories of old, and, being as young and innocent as you, you kept on, prodding, prodding, prodding her.

Until she had enough of you, badgering her nonstop, and finally, snapped!

what that looked like, for her...

illustration from online

And, you'd come to know, that there's, that taboo on the past, that you are never supposed to, mention to her about, and, that taboo, it'd, tagged along, as you grow older…

A part of my past, that I just, don't want to, revisit again, and yet, it kept on, visiting, revisiting me, when I close my eyes at night, I can't even, ward them off (like evil???), every night as I lay myself down to sleep at night (prayed my soul the lord to keep, yada, yada, yada!), they always, come back, to haunt me.

A part of my past, that I just, don't' want to, revisit again, and, despite how I wanted to, leave those memories behind, they can't stay suppressed forever, even as I'd, worked too hard, casting them out of my mind during the day, there's no way, of warding them off at night, as they manifest themselves, and became those horrible things that frightened me in my dreams………