Yep, this is that sauce. The one that comes standard with anything at your favorite burger spot. The sauce you love to dip your fries in. The sauce that comes oozing out of your favorite burger. And it's so easy to make. Prepare to up your homemade burger and fries game to a whole new level!

This is how I prefer this sauce, but it's a very subjective condiment, so use this recipe as your foundation. If you want more or less of any ingredient, feel free to make adjustments, or even additions. If you like your burger sauce sweeter, add some sugar. If you like it spicy, add some paprika or a pinch of cayenne.

NOTE: If you prefer a smooth sauce, you can leave out the diced pickle chunks; the brine provides plenty of acidity.

Your Favorite Burger and Fry Sauce
(Original recipe: Don't Go Bacon My Heart)

4 TBSP mayonnaise
2 TBSP ketchup
2 tsp yellow mustard
2 tsp dill pickle brine
1 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp salt
OPTIONAL: 3 TBSP dill pickle, finely diced

Add all of the ingredients in a mixing bowl and stir to combine. Adjust the seasonings to your personal taste and preference. This sauce tastes great right away, but it does improve with time, so feel free to cover and keep in the fridge for 1-2 hours before you plan to use it.