Many of you don't know me personally, but some of you will.

Being the person I am, I've always strived to really understand and have lots and lots of knowledge and hands on experience in my chosen field - fertility /pregnancy /babies.

I've worked in an IVF clinic, briefly on a maternity ward, and now I'm working in private baby scanning.

I've taken ladies into theatre for egg collection, watched an embryologist work to make embryos, watched them grow day by day, and taken that same lady back for embryo transfer.

I've been there for the calls where it hasn't been successful, and I've been there where they finally have their miracle after years of struggle.

I've now moved to Window to the womb, commenced training in scan room for first scans- yesterday I got to see the look on a couples face when their baby appeared on screen, the nerves before - the excitement and pure wonder and then.. That relief of a flickering heartbeat

I can honestly say, there's no feeling like it.
If any of you are heading to Window to the Womb Wolverhampton, you're in good hands.
