The CDC announced, that it'll be, doing away with the barcode scanning systems, and, in its place, there's, a brand new, more precise system, that gets the information out faster, and all of that translates to?

The government's found a brand new way, to keep tabs on the people, as we the people are already, fatigued, being on guard all the time, with the spread of MERS-CoV starting back up again, and, the government came up with, a brand new way, to keep tabs on we the people ('cuz not all of us scan those barcodes, because we are afraid, about our information, leaking out?  Some of us still use these, handwritten forms provided by the shops here!), and, this brand new system, that the CDC is switching to, uses, an ever more precise mean, to keep tabs on its people, and there's nothing WE the people CAN do because we are, enslaved (like I'd already mentioned that, god knows how many times already???) by the government, and now, the government's gotten its taste of absolute power, do you think it's going to, let it go???  HECK no!

And no, this still, ain't NO conspiracy theory that I'm currently, "operating under" right now………