In your research, you've found different types of social networks. How do you determine what kind you have?

The Importance of Networking in the Legal Industry

"We know that most people's networks are one of three types. The first is expansionists. These are people who have extraordinarily large networks, which gives them a lot of influence, visibility, and power. They're really good at working a room. The downside is that even though expansionists know a lot of people, they don't know them well. So they're often predisposed to loneliness.

"The second type is brokers. What's distinctive about them is that they tend to be connected to disparate groups of people. For instance, they may work in marketing, but they also have a separate batch of lawn-bowling friends. Brokers bring together groups that don't normally interact, and by combining these viewpoints and experiences, they get innovative and creative ideas.

"The third type is conveners. This group has a dense web of interactions, and they spend a lot of time investing in and maintaining relationships. Within their network, most people know one another. They also provide emotional support. For most of us, knowing a lot of people isn't what's most beneficial. Understanding our network type is far more important."