As you all may know by now, I have an experiment going in my home right now with tomato seedlings! I'm excited because they have germinated and are growing well!

All told, I have about ten seedlings that have come up. I'm not saying I will have ten tomato plants, because I realize a lot can happen in six to eight weeks! If I have more that I need, I will sell or trade the leftovers! I haven't started making a plot for them, so I guess I have my work cut out for me! I may grow them in containers, but we shall see!

I'm looking forward to the lavender plants germinating. They take longer than the tomatoes, so I should see growth over the next few weeks or so. They have a longer growing time and can stand really high heat, so they should be fine to go in the ground a little later!

I hope you're enjoying the spring! I'm grateful for the seedlings still being inside so they have a chance to grow in the warmth, as it's been slightly cool here! Bless you all!
