In the past week Texas has seen a lot of detrimental destruction. Towns have been hit by wildfires, livestock killed by the fires, entire ranches engulfed by the wildfires, and even a first responder had her life taken while helping others.

As if the thousands of acres burned we're not devastating enough Texas then experienced an outbreak of tornadoes across the state. Destroying many homes, towns, and even schools.

As a, the glass is half full type of person, I try to look at the good side of why these things happen. You know things like, perhaps God is trying to scare all of the New Yorkers and Californians back to their states!! Haha just kidding, just kidding! I assess each situation with a positive outlook because focusing on the negative, from experience, gets us absolutely nowhere moving forward. To me I look at the situation and think of the hundreds of people who hooked up their trailers and rushed to the aid of ranchers in the effected wildfire areas. Even doing so when diesel fuel costs are through the roof at the moment. People didn't just sacrifice their time, they sacrificed the fuel expense and wear and tear on their own personal equipment with no intentions of ever being reimbursed. A completely selfless act!

Watching selfless acts by people in such an upside down economy and world, really is a comfort in knowing that despite all the negativity in the world, there is still good! The agricultural community has shown over and over again what it is to lend a hand and to step up to help others in need. There were reports of trucks and livestock trailers lined up to assist in evacuating the livestock, so many that there were too many! An amazing problem to have! It's part of why I love the agriculture community! They are Godly and selfless within the majority!

1 Peter 3:8 To sum up, all of you be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in spirit;.