If we could see these things that we longer find attractive in a brand new way, we can change the world. Seeign ins believing. Seeing in changing. t's never too late to change

ghislaine t vode

By Ghislaine T Vode

Do you believe in miracles? I do. I believe in the power of transformation. And that's why I believe in moving forward.

I' m here today to share random, yet valuable, lessons i've learned these past few years to encourage someone today, to start over, even when you think you are not ready. These lessons that i am sharing today, i am learning all over again, everytime i am challenged with something new to (re) consider … And the word is character. First, i want to share why i think moving forward is necessary: we need to believe in something new, that is yet to come true. And there are two ways to achieve that: by doing something better, or doing something different than what you have never done before.

Change is always scary at first. And if it isn't scary to you, you should reconsider. There's  a part of us that likes the old. We like to hold on, and hold back to the familiar. Every now and then, we like to pause, and remember continuously all the things we' ve done, good or bad, that got us where we are today.  And there is nothing wrong with that because usually, that's where attachement is born, and sometimes a sense of direction too.

Yet, there is still something scary, yet daring, and irresistible, about living on to explore the unknown, the undefined; that inspire us even more, challenge us to want more, to look forward, to better. If you were given a new chance at doing something else, would you do better than before? or would you do it the same way? or maybe different than you ve ever done? There is no right no right or wrong answer to this question.

It can be hard to change the past. And even if we could, even if we had to, we are still to move forward, just to be able to see the impact of such change. Something about change make us believe that all things are possible, and pushes us forward, as though we don't want to miss out on new opportunities, causing us to adapt to new circumstances. When, and how, you move forward is a personal choice for you to consider. But let me encourage you, by letting you know that you have what it takes to adapt, no matter how slow you move away from yesterday; and how used you are to be who or what you are now.

Starting over gives you the opportunity to do things differently.  i realized for instance, years after i started writing and storytelling, that my priorities have been changing. I used to write a lot for attention purposes without realizing, I would admit to it today. Yes, i subconsciously initially wanted people to like me (or my words) more than my message. Somethig in me changed since. At first, my writing  desperately expressed my wanting to get noticed and celebrated. Who doesn't, right? Well, I know better now. And I've done  a lot better since.

My Real opportunity, and true passion for writing (and yours too, whatever that passion is) comes , once we learn that getting noticed is not a real issue. Getting noticed for the wrong reasons is, the real issue.  Looking for whatever attention people can give you is exhausting, honestly unfulfilling; but not impossible! So today , I want to challenge you instead , to pick up your passion where you left it off and think differently. Use your passion as a response, on purpose, as a connection to your world, the world around you; and never beg for attention. I promise you, you'll never see the wolrd the same again. Instead, look forward to meeting the right people, the right crowd, with an open mind and a giving and taking attitude. Those things are to me,  more rewarding than getting any attention. 

Meeting people that you are comfortable sharing with, and growing with,  is the real blessing. It is far more gratifying, more rewarding, as you evolve to share valuable, meaningful content with the right people than spending hours hunting people down,  looking for more people to "catch" and "please"; people that you have no real interest in outside of the growing number that they represent.

Building long lasting relationships; working extra on building, keeping, entertaining special relationships take effort and work. But it is worth investing in. Those are the relationships that will build you, help you, support you along the way, as you go through difficult times and out moving forward. Everything in life has a deadline. We must constantly remind ourselves of our own limitations in time; therefore always remember our bottomline priorities. And find those priorities in the people that we are connected to or that we choose to interact with; the places we choose to go to and dwell in, the things that we choose to do and keep doing. And peace of mind that we thereby gain.

Sometimes it takes falling off track to be reminded yet again that they are many ways, many paths that can be used to get to a certain destination. And the best track worth keeping is the destination. Whether you choose to do something new, better ; or you choose to do it differently, i hope you find the courage to do it..
.So tell me, what are you looking forward to seeing differently ?