Why do we Celebrate Easter?

It's the Power of the Resurrection!

Jesus had the power over Death!!!

I want to know Christ and the power of His Resurrection!

To know Jesus, and the power of HIS Resurrection is above and beyond all we could hope or imagine! To grow closer and closer to you is what we long for!

How amazing would it be to run away with Jesus, yet our life that HE gave us is here! This is the best place for us. To be seeking HIS face every moment of every day. To be Still and Know You are God! Thank you Lord Jesus! If We live in this manner we will walk in the Power of Your Resurrection.

Lord, Jesus, I pray the Power of your blood which overcomes fill hearts and minds of those searching for HIM. Help us to live in this manner to share the love of Jesus with all those you bring into our path.

Lord, bring the Victory of Salvation to our lost families. Bind up and Heal the the broken hearted, Restore Hope our families to honor and glorify You!

There is #AlwaysHope ,#NeverGiveUp #HopeForTheFuture , #HopeForTheHurting hopeforthehurting2017.wordpress.com