Thursday, November 17, 2022

We are Ludo - Thursday 17th November 2022

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Hello Ludo Community!

I trust you are all well. It has been a good couple of weeks which started with us being awarded Rising Star in Corporate Wellbeing 2022. We were so excited and proud to be recognised for the work we are doing. We had a team strategy day last week where we worked into the details of the next quarter for Ludo. It is always such a fun day, full of good energy and passion for the future of Ludo. Now with the Ludo Menopause module launched we are continuing to add content from our expert partners and speaking to businesses to sign up to our platform.

This month, I open up about the anxiety I feel the night before a big meeting and we have a guest blog from Hexology founder, Darrel Butlin.

Please remember to introduce us to your employer. We want to have a chat with your Head of HR or Diversity & Inclusion lead on how to retain female talent. 

Thank you,

Child Sickness Anxiety
When you have a big day at work, or a day when you MUST be in the office, so you get 'child sickness anxiety'.   I am sure it's not a proper technical term, but I talk about reframing the narrative in this blog.

Read more here >>>>
Guest Blog by Hexology Founder
Darrel Butler talks about how We Are Ludo has teamed up with Hexology to broadcast content and spread the message far and wide.

Rising Star Award
We are SO THRILLED to announce Ludo was awarded Rising Stars in Corporate Wellbeing from the Greater London Enterprise Awards.
Copyright © 2022 We Are Ludo, All rights reserved.

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We Are Ludo
83 Dulcie Street
M1 2JQ
United Kingdom

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