Tuesday, December 6, 2022

9 Toys I Can Unequivocally Say Were A Total Waste Of Money

Scary Mommy
Dec 06, 2022
9 Toys I Can Unequivocally Say Were A Total Waste Of Money
Who else has spent hours and hours in the last few weeks staring at online reviews, trying to figure out what their kid will actually play with and if you should spend your hard-earned money on it? (I certainly have.) Well, Samm Davidson is here to help: "Ads can be deceiving, trends can be weird, and kids can be persistent so I feel a responsibility, having bought too much of all of it, to let you know that sadly, some things will be a bust." And so here's her list. "You're welcome," she adds. 

Now, every kid is different, and your boondoggle might well be my jackpot. And a few of her choices will be controversial! But it's worth giving a read. And if anybody has suggestions for dress-up shoes for a six-year-old at a stocking-stuffer price point, for the love of God, email me at hiscarymommy@bdg.com. I can't stare at Google another minute. 

Kelly Faircloth, Executive Editor
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Scary Mommy book club
This Month's Scary Mommy Book Club Pick: How Not To Drown In A Glass Of Water by Angie Cruz
We're trying something new here: Scary Mommy's Book Club — which you can join for free! (more below) — will be taking over this spot in the newsletter from time to time to talk about books. First up, is December's book pick: How Not To Drown In A Glass Of Water. 

Here's a brief synopsis: Fifty-six year old Cara Romero is going through a life crisis. After decades of working at a lamp factory in New York City, she's laid off during the Great Recession of 2008 and is forced to come to terms with everything that's come before that moment. An immigrant from the Dominican Republic and a survivor of harrowing domestic abuse, Cara finds herself in job counseling, telling her life story to a stranger over 12 brief sessions. This book is made up of those 12 sessions.

There are some literary characters that we will never forget. Jo March, Boo Radley, Anne Shirley… Cara Romero is one of those characters. She's complex, hilarious, fierce, loving, and strong as anyone. She's also battling against a world that isn't made for her: a Latina woman, an immigrant, a single mom who started with literally nothing. I can't remember the last time I read a book in which I fell so hard for a protagonist, as if she was standing right in front of me, as real or realer than anyone I had ever met. — Sarah Aswell, Senior Editor 

Join the discussion in our Facebook Group, or follow Scary Mommy Book Club on Instagram.
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