Thursday, March 30, 2023

Could your mom-owned business use a $1000 grant?

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Hi <<First Name>>,

How are you today? How is your week going? I hope this email will make it better! 

The Founders First CDC National Grant Application for mother-owned businesses is now open! In partnership with Founders First CDC, we are excited to announce the National Kitty Fund Grant focused on supporting mom entrepreneurs in the country. The $25,000 fund will make investments of $1,000 each to 25 mompreneurs across the United States.

Wondering if your business is eligible? You must: 
● Identify as a mother
● Be a CEO, President, or Business Owner
● Have a business located in the United States
● Have annual revenue that does not exceed $5M
● Be a business with 2 to 50 employees

Start Your Application Today! The application deadline is April 17, 2023.

Have any questions or need support completing your application? Send your requests to

High five to all the mom entrepreneurs who apply!

Good luck,

PS Don't forget to share this with mom entrepreneurs in your network! 

PPS Want more entrepreneur-focused content? Respond to this email with "I want more entrepreneur content" in the subject line to let me know. 
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