Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Help! My Husband Finds Cleaning ‘Charming & Feminine’

May. 24, 2023
Help! My Husband Finds Cleaning 'Charming & Feminine'

Our advice columnist Penelope is back today, with another edition of Ask A MWLTF (yes, that's a Mom Who Likes to F*ck). Today's letter writer doesn't sweat the small stuff around the house: "I'm a mother of three and I live in a house so I certainly do my fair share of domestic labor, but I do exactly the amount I can do without feeling resentful. Sometimes this means there is mess. If my husband and kids don't like it, then they are free to add more elbow grease to the equation."

But a recent comment by her husband has got her feeling a little weird. She passed along a comment she overheard from her sister-in-law — "You just have to set high standards. Mess is very triggering for me" — and she was surprised at his reaction: "He said with a slight, teasing smirk, that actually he didn't find what she'd said ridiculous at all, that on the contrary he thought it was 'kind of charming and very feminine.'"

Now she's wondering: "Does the man I've chosen to spend my life with really equate housekeeping with feminine sex appeal?" See what Penelope says.

Kelly Faircloth, Executive Editor

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