It's a dark and stormy day as I write Thursday afternoon. The rain should become more sporadic through the day, so hopefully the flood warnings for this evening won't become reality.
But what better activity can we take part in on an overcast day than counting blessings. I'm sharing with Susanne and friends at Living to Tell the Story.
1. Jason's birthday was this week. We enjoyed celebrating him with homemade deep dish pizza, salad, bread sticks, and carrot cake at his and Mittu's house.
2. An improved hair dryer.I turned my hair dryer on one morning to discover it was suddenly turbo-charged. My husband had used it one morning and thought it was running a little sluggishly, so he took it apart and vacuumed out the lint and dust inside. I can dry my hair in half the time now!
3. Praying with people is something I approach reluctantly. I'm not sure why---maybe it's just my natural introvert tendencies. The most recent church we were members of didn't have a mid-week prayer service, though we prayed together at Bible studies and such. Several of the churches we've visited over the last few months had Wednesday night prayer meetings, but usually the pastor led in prayer after everyone gave prayer requests. The church we're currently attending has a prayer meeting where we split up into groups of three adults and a few teens or children. The idea is for us not only to get to know the younger folks, but that they might learn from praying with older people. Then the young ones are dismissed to a time in the gym while the adults keep praying.
It's a little uncomfortable until I find whoever I am going to pray with. But I am always glad for having prayed together. Last night, one of the women I was with was either very perceptive, or the Holy Spirit was guiding her (probably both things were true) as she expanded her prayer beyond the few sentences I shared.
Then it was really sweet praying with children. We had three girls with us who were maybe 8-10. They were so earnest in sharing prayer requests and were not afraid to join right in when we took turns praying.
4. A perfect word of encouragement from Scripture right when I needed it.
5. A bright new day. Friday morning, the storms and flood warnings are over, we didn't lose power, and Jim made it home safely from a day trip for work.
Have you found bright spots in your week?
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