Video When you live in a country where the standards are so low, you sometimes wonder if they exist, you learn to accept that it is a way of life . You realise that as absurd as it is , the world doesn't stop it's motions just because such oddity happened . I am sure you are wondering how this matter to you.
I want to address those with less than average children, that your child is special needs or not towing your expectations of becoming a scientist or a lawyer might be a big deal in your head but honestly that is where it ends. The world is quite big and your personal expectation has little or no impact of the overall progress of earth much less the universe .
However, we also know that nothing is a mistake, and coincidence are quite rare so that very child definitely has a purpose. I am going to recommend that you shove your expectations and really look at your child and put effort into identifying their strength. I don't mean just in school but in their personality.
Is the child, talking, singing, dancing, lives arguing, dressing up, making stuffs out of craps mimicking others, playing board games and loves animals.? All these are underlying skills you can build on instead of trying to enforce your myopic expectations and suppressing the child's natural talent.
Through my charity, I have met lots of frustrated children, thanks to their parents constant mirroring of their idea of success which does not celebrate the child's strength.
As parents, let us be more conscious and more sensitive to our children's emotional health as this affects the quality of leaders and parents they become in future.
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