Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Working mamas, start with self-love!

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This Month...

"How you treat yourself matters."
– Suzanne Brown

Others' Thoughts...

"We can only love others as much as we love ourselves."
– BrenĂ© Brown

Mompowerment Facebook Group

Want a tribe to support you as a working mother? Join the Mompowerment Facebook group. Find camaraderie, get/give advice in a judge-free zone, and find accountability (I'll be doing a monthly accountability session). If you're ready to create that balanced lifestyle you've been thinking about, come hang out with fellow Mompowerment mamas!
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Mompowerment Thoughts

Hi read,

How are you? How is your 2024 going?

I know that February is so often about kids and Valentine's parties at school. And then there is a focus on romantic love. Here's the thing. It starts with self-love. How you love yourself matters, so let's talk about different ways to treat yourself with kindness and respect.

Kick perfectionism to the curb. Being perfect is rarely the answer, so let's all step away from the need to be perfect. Chances are that good is good enough.  

Recognize your progress. Yes, we all want to achieve but don't only look ahead. Consider your progress. Break things down into smaller chunks and acknowledge the many little steps you have taken as you work toward bigger goals. And keep all your wins, big and small, in your I Rock folder to remind you about the amazingness you are and all you've done!

Ask for help. We all need people in our corner, cheering us on and supporting us. That includes asking for what you need at home and work. And don't say that they should know you need help and offer. Mindreading isn't a skill set for most people.

Take time to fill your cup in a meaningful way. Take a quiet moment to enjoy your coffee (or tea like me!) before you start your morning routine. Stretch to relaxing music. Dance party in the living room mid-day. Exercise (maybe even with a friend). Whatever you love, figure out how to include it in your day. You'll thank yourself tomorrow.

Give yourself grace. On the days when things don't work the way you want, it's OK. Give yourself some grace. Allow yourself to stumble without saying, "I suck" or "I'm a failure." It goes hand in hand with all of these things. It takes time to figure them out and make them a consistent part of your life.

And here's a little nugget for you to remember. All of these things related to self-love also help others know how to treat you. And you give your kid(s) an amazing model to mimic. Remember that kids are always watching.

How are you putting some energy into self-love today or this week, mama?

Sending good vibes,


PS Interested in having Suzanne speak at your International Women's Day event? March 8 is around the corner. Reply to this email with details and we'll get it on the calendar!

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How Can I Help You?

You want meaningful changes to create a balanced lifestyle, but you're not sure where to start. Book 1:1 time to tackle a specific challenge like how to be more productive this year. Have Suzanne review a proposal for changes at work. Take action now to help you maximize your time or start moving closer to the work-life balance you crave! Don't find yourself in the same place at the same time next year. 

As a manager or senior leader, are you focusing more on employee well-being this year? Schedule time for a strategy session with me to brainstorm how you can support your employees to attract and retain the amazing working moms and dads in your organization. Include a workshop with Suzanne in your plan for 2024. Or recommend my workshops or trainings to Employee Resource Group (ERG) leaders at your company.

See more about Suzanne's speaking services and topics

20-minute, 60-minute, half-day, and full-day VIP sessions available

Book Your Session Today!

Insights from Mompowerment

Follow Mompowerment on LinkedIn

Check out the latest LinkedIn videos from Mompowerment

February is a month with a focus on love. I'm doing a multi-part series for working moms specifically. And I'm starting with self-love. I've got 3 ways to bring more self-love into your life: step away from perfectionism, give more grace, drop the negative self-talk, practice small moments of self-care.

7 Simple Ideas to Show Love for your Love

As a working mom, take time to intentionally stay connected with your significant other. I have 7 simple ideas to show love for your Love.

Thoughts from Others and Tools

Upcoming Events

  • Mompowerment Facebook group March accountability session save-the-date 3/22 12pm CST (must be a Mompowerment Facebook group member to join)
  • University of Texas at Austin Startup Event for Driving Innovation (Mompowerment is an exhibitor) Startup City Limits: Schedule (free registration) 4/19 1-5pm
  • Vision board session for Austin moms and teen and tween daughters TBD -- thoughts on 3/31 vs 4/7?
  • Private events for various groups and companies
  • New trainings will be coming soon!

Buy the Books

Grab your copy of either of the award-winning Mompowerment books for yourself, your friends and colleagues, or your employees. 
Buy "Mompowerment" Book on Amazon
Buy "The Mompowerment Guide to Work-Life Balance" on Amazon

About Suzanne Brown

Suzanne Brown is a strategic marketing and business consultant and work-life balance speaker, workplace strategist, and bestselling and 4-time award-winning author. She empowers working moms to create greater work-life balance and helps companies become more balance friendly. Read her weekly blog, watch her TED talk, or read more about her books at She lives in Austin, TX with her husband and two young boys.
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