Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Make Time for What Matters

Hi read,

Over the past few weeks, this community has been so engaged on the topic of spending your time wisely. You shared the priorities closest to your heart and you chimed in on the most time-consuming tasks in your life. Some of you even tracked your time to see if your time spend matched your goals.

If you feel that you aren't using your time well and want to do better, I am very excited to share that I have an opportunity for you to do just that. I'm launching a beta version of a course called It's About Time. The course will have very limited availability so I can give my full attention to each student. Over four weeks, you will learn how to align your time with your values AND develop systems that keep your time use on track (even when life gets busy).

Want more details? Absolutely! The course will include the following content:

Week 1 [April 29]: Finding your Why

The question this week is simple: Why do you get out of bed every day? In an ideal world, how would you spend your time? We will do multiple exercises to help you determine what really matters to you and how you can spend your time to accomplish those goals and dreams. We will also take the first of many hard looks at the things you are spending your time on that aren't as important to you.

Week 2 [May 6]: How you Spend your Time

In the second week, we will all track a whole week of time together. This can be as easy as taking notes in a notebook or tracking activities each hour in a spreadsheet. This exercise can yield stunning insights into where your time really goes. Often our impression of time doesn't match the reality, and that's why this week is absolute magic.

Week 3 [May 13]: Improvements that Make a Difference

Together, we will review your time tracking results in the third week and talk about observations. What activities take up a lot of time? Are there things that are taking a lot of time but aren't high on your list of priorities? What activities are very important to you but barely in your time data at all? These insights alone can drive important behavior changes. During this week, we will also identify the no-brainer changes that can help you shift your time from where it is now to where you want it to be. This can include simple things like "Spend less time on social media" or "Set up a carpool for kids soccer practice". We aren't going to get deep yet. This week is just about the easy changes that can make your life better.

Week 4 [May 20]: Implementing Simple Time Systems

Systems are what will make your changes sticky! In this week, we will focus on implementing simple, easy to use sytems that will help you experience consistent changes in how you spend your time. Examples of these systems can include: simple lists or boards for to-dos, daily and weekly rituals to help you plan ahead, and more.

Each week will include:

  • A 30-45 minute training video that you can view live or at a later time
  • Workbooks, tools, or exercises designed to help you accomplish that week's goals
  • Response from me to any email questions within 24 hours

In addition, as a founding member of this course, you will get some special bonus items:

  • One-on-one session with me within the course time frame (Apr 29-May 27) for 45 min
  • Optional end of session group debrief
  • 50% off access to any future iterations of the course

I'm pricing this course VERY low at $99 because it's a beta version. Using these methods in my own life, I've easily saved 10 hours a week. Even at an estimated $15/hr that's $150 a week. Add in all of the rush delivery fees and last minute eating out I've avoided and I'm easily saving myself another $100/week. This course truly will pay for itself in just a week after you impelement your changes. Better yet, you will feel calm and satisfied at the end of the day instead of frazzled and frustrated. That is priceless.

If you have questions about whether this course is for you, please do not hesitate to email me directly. I'll respond quickly and honestly about whether this is a good fit!

Until next time!

Beth @ Parent Lightly

Unsubscribe | 113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205

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