I was going to start aanother Post yesterday morning, but then a follower put me on to the latest Op Ed at Off Guardian from Sylvia Shawcross....and I really could not get past the the paragraph below:
'No one wants to much leave their houses now. We are a nation of post-traumatic victims—from the covid, from the inflation, from the heavy-handed censorship, from the blatant corruption, from the deliberate divisiveness, from witnessing the violence and duplicity and righteous judgments of others. The protests. The growing crime. The closing down of familiar stores and restaurants. The broken. The tent cities proliferating. And the anger and punitive and defensive stances from people we had not expected would be this way. We prefer now to stay with the familiar. We want to watch the rain from the windows'
I'm not entirely sure if Sylvia is a b&b Canadian, an expat or a Quebecois, but she is an absoulutely brilliant illustrative writer.
All of her latest OpEd - the deceit, the alienation, the lack of respect for our intelligence, the abject failures of neolib economics, the deadly neocon foreign policies that disguise them, the conviction that pathological liars are OK if they're on our side, the ham-fisted PR, the manufactured hatred of a Putin (whom I wouldn't particularly want as my regular Friday afternoon lunch companion, but is only a myth created by a Secret State rather than a real and present threat)....every last sign is there there to confirm that the USEUNATO disaster zone wants - nay - needs the underworld energy that the RF hoards as its best bet for a share of the spoils in the new normal global dystopia.
There is a 24/7 NATO psy-op under way designed to create a "real life" Truman Show in which nobody ever spots a director saying "....and...ACTION!"
Happily (but still too slowly), people are picking up on just how mendaciously this Operation has allowed unelected power bases to take over national sovereignty from the State [and use it for sovereign destruction towards their own greedy ends] during the last few years since 2019.
One post from my recent past tries to sum it up:
What can I add? "The value of Truth may go up or down"?
I don't think so. Rather, "Silicon Valley has made it possible to fool all the People all the time".
And down that flushed lavatory, a sewer of malodorous propaganda waits in eager receipt of more anti-science, settled science, new phlogiston, new normals and old excuses rebranded as anything and everything referred to so sloppily as "progessive". Ironically, the original goal of State Communication was to clarify, not deceive.
So today, I especially thank Ms Shawcross for making my day. Post-empirical standards of ideological analysis have nearly destroyed our material world comprehension of what physical means. But Sylvia's piece goes beyond unnecessary complication of the material world, the better to explain (perhaps) how both the sub-atomic and meta Universes function when spiritual presence has a major influence on the result of any given experiment.
Investigation at or below the sub-atomic level demonstrates clearly how the human unconscious influence comes to the fore. At the Quantum level, human brain synapses interreact with, and almost dictate, the outcome that sapiens human desires.
A soccer coach with whom I was once close told me, "David Beckham may strike you as being a plank, but when he wacks the ball at a free-kick, there is something in his quantum awareness that wills the ball into the net".
Remember folks, there is no correlation at all between genious and IQ.
There really is an awful lot we don't even begin to inderstand.
All that observed, the continuing deniability that two senior members of the Royal Family are very ill really is now becoming implausible, bordering on downright mealy-mouthed. Charles III's doctors try to distract from the King's cancer by saying:
"The King's problem is an enlarged prostate, very common among men over fifty. His majesty is in a benign state". In fact, Charles's cancer has been cut out and was not benign. "Benign state" is another wave of pr half-truth.
Before that, his daughter-in-law was undergoing "surgery for a medical condition" [no mention of cancer] then released some pictures to show she was fine [they'd been doctored by AI] so she apologised and yes, the Princess admitted, she was "recovering from cancer and making good progress".
Then, over the last week or so, another shot was released:
The analysis was run on Telegram, and alleges that the shot was over 90% fake.
I tried to analyse the shot myself in another tab, and got this:
Oh dear. Down, Slog. Bad Slog. Slog knuckles rapped.
A new Book Snafu Procedures for Royal PRs is to be launched by Tarbuckle & Fibbes soon after the UK General Election. Written by Jasper Rosebotham, the author of best seller How to look Suspicious in Church, it promises to be a gold mine for satirists and dinosaurs of all ages.
For those who arrive new to this horribly smelly business, the story so far: whatever cynics may think, Charles and Kate did their duty and were both jabbed and boosted courtesy of UK gong recipients Moderna [apparently referred to among pharma community wags as 'Nice Little Earner'] on the same day. One gender and a mere thirty years separating their history, they both developed turbo-cancer and this presented in both within a week of each other.
The House of Windsor is in a trap: nobody is paying attention [as usual] but in the end - just as with even neutered MSM hacks at last seeing the Covid Inquiry for what it was, ie, a Warren Commission whitewash with two extra undercoats of Federal Investigation Brand All-Weather Permacover for Extra Secrecy - the Truth will out. Not just because Royals still think they can make Error 403 stick*but mainly because the deniability of Moderna/Pfizer criminality and Royal cover-up is, yes you guessed it - implausibly illogical.
*It's instructive at this point to remind all Sloggers that Prince Charles, as he then was, is the only heir to the throne in history to grant a Royal seal to every last one of Britain's secret unelected State monsters - MI6, MI5, the SIS - and to cut a deal with David Cameron about special Royal coverage D-notices.
Buckingham Palace can't read this this post and say "Wrong, because they were never vaccinated" unless they want to fess up to dodging the bullets that killed millions world wide. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) reported that 11,448 people unexpectedly died in the EU following the administration of COVID-19 vaccines.
In turn, neither they nor others can say the vaccine is both innocent of all deaths and effective in seeing off CovidSars19, because the correlation of the former with deaths in the 35-55 age group is utterly damning: but if it was always safe, why did Big Pharma demand freedom from Class-Action law suits in this particular instance...and why was this granted under the stewardship of Snotnose Witchfinder General Matt Hancock? Who as Health Secretary, of course, went further still and lied to the House of Commons about the freedom-of-usage licence granted.
For some two weeks now, the PR's have been blasting out "God save our plucky Kate" at a near nauseating level. I agree that she is a genuine trouper who deserves everyone's sympathy. But she is being sucked into a vortex of implausible "explanations" and - on the whole - being very badly advised.
But the thing is, Runnymede was 909 years ago. And I get very offended indeed when I see the notice "Forbidden" in relation to a Royal scandal involving a grubby deal done without reference to the electorate or Parliament between a silly old inbred Hohenzollern decorative Monarch and a PM whose family is mainly renowned for its addictions to tax havens and porcine fallatio.
"403", eh? The accepted dictionary definition says nothing about errors or forbiden fruit. It says, 'The 403 Forbidden error indicates that the server understands the request but can't provide additional access. This means that the web page you're trying to open in your browser is a resource that you're not allowed to access."
What a load of gobbledegook pigswill: a response devoid of illumination - just another piece of State tarpaulin dragged onstage to cover the dead body we used call Free Speech Democracy. I didn't ask Botsville on Sea Haven Island about the meaning of forbidden, I asked
WHY the King and the wife of the heir to the throne, whose lives are funded by my taxes, are being told by the secret State to obfuscate and be generally devious about about their health conditions.
I am pig-sick of being distracted, controlled, vilified for being smarter than the average bear, yawning at another WHO virus, reading the rabid data-free climate nonsense, watching news bulletins fixated by irrelevant domestic issues, being lectured about men who menstruate, being told that Trump voters need to be 'reprogramed' - and all the rest of the left wing fantasy illiberal Demrats in the US and Loony Labour totalitarian jerks in the UK being exploited by EUNATO wannabe dictators as useful idiots in the fast lane towards the New World Order.
We have a POTUS who is a dingbat pervert, an EU Commission President married to major EU supply sources, and a UK Prime Minister whose sole aim is the deBritainisation of Britain
2024 Britain [including Ireland] temporarily lacks the civic determination to be rid of these awful people, and probably grasps that votes will never be enough. The vast majority of French, Dutch and Greek citizens feel the same way. Spain is not far behind.
As the Poles of Solidinarsc demonstrated only too well in the recent past, the Mighty and their arrogance are often broken by one brave united and blatant action of non-compliance. There is precious little difference between the geriatrics of the USSR in the Brezhnev era spouting via Pravda [Russian for 'Truth'] and the risible idea that EU "democratic values" emanating from the Brussels Sprouts somehow make for a "Better Truth".
In turn, the idea that the US remains the Land of the Free is, for the time being, a lost cause.
The triumph of technology on a global basis has become the 0.03 per cent rallying cry on the road towards One Earth and One State for a very simple reason: the end of that road has within it the ability to kill proof of Truth or lies.
Without Truth offered up to a balanced judiciary and open-minded media, there is no future for our species.
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