Friday, September 10, 2021

Checking in


I'm just writing to check in.  After downloading the 99 Questions to Ask Yourself Before, During, and After Parental Leave, did you start going through and answering these questions?

If you did, is anything coming up for you that's getting you stuck?  And if you haven't yet, all good!  (There is no such thing as "behind" in Mindful Return land.)  I know I've downloaded resources before that I've never looked at.  And at the same time, I'm taking a guess that you are really interested in preparing for your leave, because you were willing to take the first step in downloading this tool.  The best way to get value from these questions is to actually go through and spend some time writing out answers to them. 

Getting started can be hard - I know.  Thinking about parental leave can be daunting, with everything else you have going on.  For me, baby steps work best.  Maybe take one page per day, and just jot down a few notes - the first things that come to mind for each question.  

If you're like most new parents, you have some (or a lot of) anxiety over what the future holds.  I'm confident the 99 Questions to Ask Yourself Before, During and After Parental Leave tool is a great place to start.  And once you get going, I bet you will start to see that you actually have more answers than you think you do. 

You've got this.  I promise.  

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