Monday, September 27, 2021

Dream Big, Think Small

Hi read,

Today I've been thinking about goals. Productivity experts and Instagram influencers alike want us to DREAM BIG! Carpe diem! Reach for the sky! (Maybe that last one is Buzz Lightyear.)

I'm here to tell you: dream big but START SMALL.

Here's the thing.

I DREAM of a perfectly clean house.

I DREAM of clean, folded and put away laundry.

I DREAM of having plenty of quality family time.

I DREAM of a fulfilling career where I can mentor women in STEM.

Dreams are awesome and important. But the way we get to those dreams? By thinking small.

Let's take the clean house example. You want to create better habits so you set a goal to clean your house top to bottom every week. That can take hours, though.

Maybe you clean the house on Saturday a few times and then quickly realize that is a lot of time and effort. Instead of giving up on your dream (clean house, remember?!) I encourage you to think small. Very small. As small as necessary to make progress.

I truly encourage you to pick goals that are so small they almost seem ridiculous. For example, you could:

  • Spend 5 minutes picking up dirty clothes and putting them in the hamper
  • Run the dishwasher once a day
  • Wash dirty dishes while your tea is steeping, coffee is brewing, or toaster is toasting
  • Make your bed every day
  • Here are more ideas for thinking small!

If you have a big dream, identify your next (teeny tiny) action. I want this to be something you know you can do every day. It takes 5 minutes or less, ideally.

Soon you will see that you CAN make progress toward your BIG DREAMS, even if it's one very small step at a time.

Happy goal setting,

Beth @ Parent Lightly

PS. Extra bonus points if you email me with your big goal and your small step. :)

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