"I promise!", the L-I-E-S, of this, government of ours, that's added to the current wave of delta outbreak, off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

It'd only been a week since the start of school, there's already the clusters of hoard contractions in the city of Hsinbei, and because the preschool where it'd happened had set up an illegally-run afterschool program, it'd caused the epidemic to spread through multiple local schools.  The head of Public Health Welfare Chen stated, that it looked like it's the delta strain, or another mutated strain, which showed the severity of this hoard of contraction in the school campuses.

From the foreign examples, as the alerts are lifted, what accompanies, are the clusters of contractions from the schools, other than upping the rate of vaccination to prevent the spread, there's also the need to not go from classroom to classroom.  From this currently break in the preschool clusters, the government is lacking in its mandates of the various facilities' defense measures against the spread of MERS-CoV, also, the government needs to up its ability to keep an eye on the procedural mandates of the various regulations too.

serves up!!! Illustration from online

Another thing from this outbreak still showed that same problem the country's had since the beginning of the epidemic, NOT enough vaccines.  There are the parents who were confirmed of contraction in the preschool's children's lives, the parents may have been infected by the children.  And, the parents are the age group that's not due for their vaccination yet, the primary workforce, which showed, how as we're slow on the coverage of people, not giving the inoculations fast enough, it'd increase the risks of contraction.

And, the policies of priorities the government set up, also amiss.  As the instructors received the vaccines from before, due to not enough Moderna vaccines being limited, the deliveries can't get here on time, there's no set date to when these school instructors are due for their second booster vaccines, and they couldn't get vaccinated any other vaccines either.

The command center made its goal in coverage, to expand the masses, to fulfill Tsai's promise of seventy-percent population getting  vaccinated for a first shot by end of October, a bounced check, a blank promise to the people that she can't possibly fulfill.  But, there's the changes in the epidemic in the country now, a single-dose is no longer enough to defend us against the delta strain, the government should hasten up its pace to get those in higher-risk environments of work, and those who lacked the defenses their second doses, then we might be able to, tackle the challenges that the delta strain brings to us as a population.

Yeah uh, unfortunately, because the government started LATE in this race, therefore, it'd been playing that game of, catchup since, and it never, catches up, with the promises of more AZ, more MODERNA, more newly ordered BioNTech coming our ways in October, but the problem is, this IS currently in September, and with school already starting, this is a heightened period of alert, and the government, because we the people are getting TIRED of the lockdowns, downgraded the alert levels to two, and now, it's, telling us that it will be, raising it up to three again, without any changes in the vaccine policies, and that's why and how, we the people are all going to get SCREWED over, by the government here, and the sad thing is, there's NOTHING that any of us CAN do about it!

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