At a loss for words, is what this, policy of foreign language instruction will turn the children of today into tomorrow…not thinking it through, the government here!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The Tsai government called out, that we will be a dual-language country by 2030, and the executive yuan will set forth ten billion N.T. in budget in making this happen all the way to 2024, from the newly implementation of dual-language instructor in the school semester that started in September this year.  But the scholars analyzed, there's little to no drive for the country's own instructors to get trained as foreign language instructors, while the Department of Education is throwing huge sums of money down, hiring the foreign born teachers to teach.  But, the learning environment is different compared to that of U.S. and European nations, that the "Taiwanese mode" should get set up, for the program to have a longer lasting effect.

introducing children to the various from online

The common point of the dual-language education that the country set up is by hiring of foreign-born instructors to teach in the schools, starting this semester, the middle and elementary schools gets a total of 300 foreign instructors; with the added fifty classes of experimental education in dual-language per school, with a foreign instructor hired per class; while the community college levels, they'd selected a standard school, to get the foreign-born individuals to join the teaching staff.

The assistant dean of student affairs of N.T.U., professor of Education Department, Lin worked in the dual-language focus schools in Singapore before reminded, that the environment of learning here is different compared to that of Singapore, U.S., and Europe, that there should be a unique method to start off the education of English, that the country should NOT rely solely on the foreign born instructors, and, blindly, transplanting the experiences of Europe and U.S., otherwise, the programs would be, short-lived.

And this, is only, one of the, tiniest, "adverse" effects of globalization that's found here in this country, the department of education finally realized, just how important for us to get onboard the "international train", which is why they're, now, implementing these policies of foreign instructors, without knowing and/or noting, that you HAVE to teach the children ONE language, and for the children to learn their mother tongues well enough FIRST, then you can, instruct them in a second language, while they're implementing the foreign language instructions in the lower levels of elementary years, when the children hadn't even mastered Chinese yet, uh yeah, that'll, totally, BACKFIRE all right!

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