The fate of the nation, as a whole, not as the north vs. the south, vs. the central regions here, we're all on the same boat here!  Written by a college student, from the Front Page Sections, translated…

Recently because of the delta strain coming in, a lot of people are worried about how we may have another epidemic like the one we'd experienced back in May, to get Taiwan back up to level three alert again, our lives, greatly impacted, the markets hit hard, and there are those who thought of, whether or not the shops can, withstand, another huge hit of the raising of the alert levels.

But, as the Hsinbei City's no dine-in rules were implemented, and Taipei didn't follow, I'd thought of, the methods of combatting MERS-CoV, should it be that we learn to, coexist with it, as the epidemic are under control, we'd, stopped the spread as well as we possibly can, keeping the economical activities going, without much impacts on our daily living, or, should we, set the goals, of getting that zero diagnosis?

Because there are the millions of text messages sent out, there are the members of the communities who are going to the quick scan stations voluntarily, and, this gathering, other than getting as high as thirteen local cases of contraction on August 29th, the confirmed diagnoses per day hadn't exceeded to past ten cases on average, it doesn't look like the epidemic's out of control, but, the society still called out to raise the alert levels.

In this time of the epidemic, on the spread, we saw the differences of means of facing the epidemic of the cities of Taipei and Hsinbei Cities, it'd, made us think on: how do we, find that balancing point between trying to prevent the spread of MERS-CoV, and at the same time, not impacting the economy too much?

I pray, that the government can truly, get ahead, to decide on the general direction to which it's leading us in the epidemic, that way, if there's another wave of epidemic, then the leaders of the local governments will once again, face the hard choices of prioritizing the economics, or keeping people safe, to try and stop the spread of the epidemic again, and, we the people are also, flustered, and unsettled, due to, the lack of unification of measures the local government employs in the defenses against the spread of MERS-CoV.

And so, this, is on how the local governments aren't on the same page, because, the outbreaks are primarily, happening here up in the north, and, the local governments in the southern parts complained, of how the entire country is under lockdown with both Taipei and Hsinbei cities, without knowing, that we shared one fate, the fate of this country.

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