This blog is about 15 best lines or quotes or learning from this book called "Think Like A Monk" by "Jay Shetty". All lines below are from some last chapters only. I have already shared some lines from this book and this is the final part. You can find first part here and second part here. Now enjoy the last segment.

Let's start

When we are humble, we are open to learning because we understand how much we don't know.

Pride of knowledge destroys knowledge.

If you are satisfied with who you are, you don't need to prove your worth to anyone else.

In the act of criticizing others for failing to live up to higher standards, we ourselves are failing to live up to the highest standard.

Textbooks tells the history from the prospective of winners.

If you inspire a special treatment, it is because of people appreciate you, but when you demand or feel entitled to it, you are looking for respect that you haven't earned.

In the darkness of the ego we think we are special and powerful and significant, but when we look at ourselves in the context of greater universe, we see that we only play a small part.

Overcoming your ego is a practice not an accomplishment.

What belongs to you today, belonged to someone yesterday and will be someone else's tomorrow.

Real ego - a healthy self-image - comes from acting out your dharma for the highest purpose.

We are in the habit of thinking that we don't deserve misfortune, but that we do deserve whatever blessing have come our way.

When something doesn't go your way, say to yourself, "There's more for me out there"

Too often we love people who don't love us, but we fail to return the love of others who do.

Selflessness heals the self.

Trusting no one leaves you suspicious and alone.

So here I completed the first part of 15 best lines from "Think Like a Monk" by "Jay Shetty". Don't forget to check Part1 and Part2. Let me know in the comments below which one your liked the most.

Have a Great Day

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