The means, of how the hurt can happen, at any time of day, and anywhere!  On the facets of, cyberbullying, off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The school therapist, of the guidance counselor's office of a school analyzed the differences in cyberbullying and physical bullying in the past, and reason why cyberbullying should be examined, more closely:

From before, the place where bullying happens is in school, and now, with a cell phone to a child, the bullying became at anytime, any place.  For instance, a middle school student, Hwa felt that someone stole her boyfriend, then, she'd called on her cohort of friends, started sending the private messages to the person, posting the words publicly, or go to the IG to start cussing the guy out, and even, setting up a "trash-talk" Line Group of the guy, and the victims may not even be aware, that a group talking trash about her/him/them exists.

like this...

illustration from online

The use of sexual violence for revenge online is getting serious too.  There was a sixth grade who'd received a message that said, "I have nude photos of you, if you send me another, then I won't post this one", the kid almost believed, but thankfully, the adults stopped it upon finding out.

The digital footprints will never be erased.  Like the recordings the videos of the photos, the things that makes you targets of bullies, once it gets online, so long as the onlookers started passing it along, even if the bully was caught and reprimanded, the files are forever staying online, and, the victims may be, revictimized again.

What's worth noting more of cyberbullying is that the bullied already got singled out by her/his friends, and, when it goes online, the endless cusses, the criticisms, will make the victims feel, "So, all those people hate me, despised me, rejects me".  And if the bystanders, the teachers, the adult counterparts didn't catch the S.O.S. from the child, with "just deal with it, they're, just, making fun", to a child, s/he will die on the inside, because if those s/he trusts won't even help, it would, hurt her/him, even more.

So, this, is on the adverse effect of being, cyberbullied, because once it's online, you can't, EVER, erase, that digital footprint that you'd, left, and, because these children have NO awareness of the foresight of the consequences of their own actions (b/c the prefrontal cortexes aren't properly developed yet!), the effects are, eternal.

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