How can you get only three-and-a-half years for RAPE???  This is still, INJUSTICE, I tell ya!!!  And this rape still happened because???  He thought that he, C-O-U-L-D!!!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The Chang Jung Christian University associate professor, Tsai, four years ago was accused of raping a lesbian woman, but he'd never admitted it, but the Tainan District Courts used the victim's rape kit, as well as her friends testimonies, and other related evidences, believed that the act of sexual assault was, valid, yesterday, Tsai was sentenced to three years six months on forced rape.  This can still be appealed.

The father of the associate professor, Tsai is a current member of the examination board.  The Chang Jung Christian University stated that Tsai had been suspended from teaching his lectures, the school didn't assign him to any more lectures, and they respect the results of the trial, the school will base the third appeal's rulings, then, discuss if Tsai should still be hired as a teaching staff, or that he should be fired, there will be no leniency.

The female victim claimed, that in May of 2017, she saw a "Friends" ad by Tsai on the discussion boards, she'd left a message for him to contact her, they chatted for two months online; the first time they met up, they'd talked about investment ventures, the second time they met, they'd talked until five in the morning, Tsai made the excuses of wanting to continue the conversation, to follow her home, knowing that she's a lesbian, he'd taken the advantage of her sleep, made his way into her bedroom, then, raped her.

Tsai denied the allegations, said that he was looking for a girlfriend that was why he'd posted the ad online, that back then, in his summer break, he'd stayed at her place, that they were, close to becoming, cohabiting partners then, until in August her partner made her way into her apartment that was when he'd found out she was a lesbian, and broke up with her, stressed that they'd gone on dates in the various restaurants, the movie theatres, the malls across the Tainan metro.

But the D.A. reexamined the Google Map and GPS trackers on her scooter, and her cell phone GPS, none of which matched up to the places where Tsai stated they went for the dates, plus the victim posed the rape kit from the hospital as evidence, along with the testimonies of her friends, and how she'd confronted him after he raped her on recording, the D.A. didn't believe Tsai's claims, and indicted him on sexual assault charges.

During the trial, Tsai still denied the allegations, the judge took the evidence of the victim's hospital exams, and the counseling slips, believed that Tsai had, raped the woman, and considering how he'd not respected her, raped her body, caused her psychological traumas, and how he'd, still, dodged his responsibilities for rape, and not settled with her, sentenced him to three years six months.

And that, is what you got, for rape, still too lenient if you asked me, because, considering how this female experienced the rape, how she was violated, and, how much psychological, physical trauma she'd been, put through, no amount of sentence, however heavy won't be enough, to make it up!

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