good morning. It's 6 o'clock and I am already worried about my boyfriend's case. I realized "I" said yesterday that we didn't have any letters yet - boy, one's gotta love that amnesia. Whoever wrote yesterday was apparently not aware that we already had a letter from a friend, another one coming soon and hopefully yet another one coming in the next two days. I always feel so embarrassed when stuff like this happens ... Because it makes it seem like I don't appreciate what everyone is doing for me/us and that's not it - the person writing just doesn't always have all the information.

My mom gave us HER letter last night, so that's also awesome. Everybody has been really helpful in their own ways and I am just so grateful.

I have gone back to praying. I haven't truly prayed since I was in my early adulthood, which is when I used to pray to God to just take me, please take me home, let me die. And it never happened. So prayer has been this complicated thing for me since then ...

Ugh, I can't even think yet. But I wanted to correct what was written yesterday. So I am just gonna leave it at that.

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