Five mayors across Pinellas County offered up endorsements Sunday of Republican congressional candidate Amanda Makki.

Makki is vying to represent Florida's 13th Congressional District. The endorsements include Seminole Mayor Leslie Waters, Madeira Beach Mayor John Hendricks, North Redington Beach Mayor Bill Queen, Redington Beach Mayor David Will, and Belleair Shore Mayor Bob Schmidt.

 Makki welcomed the endorsements in a prepared statement and highlighted herself as an obstructionist to the Democratic agenda.

"I am grateful for the support of our local elected officials who know the type of representative we need to stop the Democrats and their radical policies like amnesty and open borders, embracing socialism, and paying people to sit at home," said Makki.

Waters described Makki as an ideal candidate for Pinellas County. Makki, Waters suggested, embodies characteristic such as hard work and dedication.

"It's time for a conservative woman to represent Florida's 13th Congressional District and Amanda is the perfect person for it," Watters said.

Speaking as a veteran, Schmidt championed Makki as a candidate fit to fight for the issues of veterans and servicemembers alike.

"I want someone who will fight for veterans in Washington the way Congressman Bill Young did," said Schmidt. "Amanda fits that mold and I'm confident no one will fight harder for our veterans than her."

Will said Makki, a former health care advisor, understands the issues faced by small business owners - particularly those implemented by Democratic lawmakers.

"She will fight against mandates that create burdens on businesses," Will said. "Amanda is the best candidate to represent us in Congress."

Queen vowed to go "door-to-door" in support of Makki. Pinellas Count residents, she said, need more than a "phony in Congress."

"Amanda is the candidate who will champion causes like beach renourishment and addressing red tide," said Queen. "Amanda will make waves in Washington, not just on social media."

Hendricks, meanwhile, said he's witnessed Makki attend "countless" district events over the years.

Amanda cares deeply about the people in Pinellas County and she'll work tirelessly for all of us," said Hendricks.

Makki got her start in politics via an appointment from President George W. Bush's administration after 9/11 when she was appointed to the Pentagon's General Councils office on anti-terrorism issues.

She is a former senior health adviser to Alaska Republican U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who she served for seven years.

She faces, again, Republican primary challenger Anna Paulina Luna.

 Luna, who has established herself as a pro-Trump conservative and social media firebrand, bested Makki in the GOP Primary with 36% of the vote to Makki's 29%.