Table of Reviews

Bury the Past - Review

Bury the Past - LMN - 2 hours and 0 minutes

Alice enjoys life with her husband, Marty, and is close friends with Marty's brother, Roger, and Roger's wife, Carrie.  She works, walks, and spends time with them daily.  As Alice gets ready for the day, there is a knock at the door.  She opens it to find a horrific nightmare from her past, Ray.  Ray was her husband's partner.  Not Marty, but her first husband, Allen.  Back then, Alice was Liz, and Allen was physically, emotionally, and financially abusive.  After another beating, Liz attempted to leave, but Allen came home early.  He saw Liz with her bags packed and headed for the door.  In an attempt to stop her, Liz kicked Allen down the steps and killed him.  She ran from the house, and Ray saw her drive away.  Now, Ray stands in front of Alice, accidently calling her Liz, and he demands one thing: money.  Ray wants $100,000 by the end of the day.  Or Ray will rat her out.  And he knows the police will believe him because Ray is a detective.  While he knows about Allen's abuse, she ran, and that makes her look guilty.  Alice worries her new life with Marty will fall apart if Marty learns the truth about her past.  So, Alice will do everything she can to get the money and keep Ray quiet.  But Ray won't stop at cash because he has a bigger prize in mind.

This movie has some of the best uncomfortable moments in an LMN movie.  Carrie unknowingly invites Ray to dinner with herself, Roger, Marty, and Alice.  Ray spends the entire evening hinting at what Alice did.  You sit on pins and needles, wondering if Ray will spill the beans.  Then, there is the midnight standoff with a gun and a bag full of cash.  As Ray antagonizes, you wonder who will snap first.  Finally, you have the candlelight dinner with Ray and Alice.  And that's to name a few.  Moments like these will make you squirm, and it's worth it. Be warned this film can be a trigger for domestic violence survivors.

I give it 4 out of 5 stars

I love you more than anything in this world.  You now that right? - Allen

That's going to take some getting use to - Ray

We know who's in charge, Ray - Alice

We're gonna be ok. From this point on, we're in this together - Marty

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Twice Bitten - Review

Twice Bitten - BET Her - 2 hours and 0 minutes

Monique sits her family down to tell them she found the man of her dreams, Colin.  It's been years since Monique lost her husband, and her family asked her to move on.  But for years, Monique said no.  So they are stunned to hear this revelation.  Her family wants to meet him, so Monique invites Colin to dinner.  Monique and Colin met in a support group for widows and widowers.  He is a real estate developer with some of the most lucrative contracts around.  Monique's daughter, Kainyah, has an interest in interior design, and Colin offers to help.  Monique's lawyer and brother-in-law, Curtis, and her sister, Anne, don't care for Colin because he is too smooth.  Curtis offers to do a background check on him, but Monique refuses.  However, Anne tells him to do it.  Colin's background comes up squeaky clean, but it's not enough for Anne.  She finds it strange that this business owner doesn't have a website nor social media.  Anne is justified to be suspicious of Colin.  Well, at least that's his name now.  Colin is a con-man that seduces lonely rich women.  Monique is his latest mark, and Colin is getting desperate.  He owes money to dangerous people.  And if Colin doesn't pay, he will die.  With his life on the line, Colin will kill and manipulate anyone to get his money.

This movie could easily be on Lifetime or LMN and fit in without question.  It did add a compelling twist to the film to keep you watching, but it gives you all the kills you expect.  Now, don't be fooled.  This film does create anticipation with Colin's ticking time clock.  He has to move up his con schedule to pay off loan sharks.  This aspect helps the viewer understand why Colin needs the money so badly.  This time it isn't the typical con.  Colin is fighting for his life.  And as frustrating as Monique can be, she gains her senses in the nick of time.

I give it 3.5 out of 5 stars

When something is important to you, you do your homework - Colin

I feel good about us. Don't you? - Jessica

I think we should go full CSI on him - Ana

My husband died, your husband left. We are not the same - Mo

I'm a lawyer. Allow me to do what I do - Curtis

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Harry & Meghan: Escaping the Palace - Review

Harry & Meghan: Escaping the Palace - Lifetime - 2 hours and 0 minutes

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan moved to the countryside to get away from the prying eye of the paparazzi and the palace.  For months, they enjoyed life with their baby boy, Archie.  Her mother helps with the baby, and Leonard keeps them connected to the monarchy.  But nightmares plague Harry.  He sees Meghan begging for help in a turnover car with photographers taking pictures.  With each racist comment in the news, Harry pleads with the firm to speak against it.  But the palace wants to remain neutral.  Each day Harry sees Meghan wilt into a royal robot, and it reminds him of his mother, Diana, Princess of Wales.  Harry has had enough after seeing Meghan struggle, break down, and attempt to play the role.  He tells his family that he wants to leave the firm without the support of his brother, his father, or his country.  Can Harry and Meghan make it out with their marriage intact?

The third installment of Lifetime's Harry and Meghan story does not disappoint.  It focuses on Harry's emotional parallel of seeing his wife suffer compared to seeing his mother suffer.  And all at the hands of the firm.  This movie unquestionably displays that leaving is Harry's idea.  From watching the movie, you feel that he has wanted to withdraw for years, and having a family to protect him was a means to an end.  And the firm used them as a scapegoat to cover other issues in the monarchy.  Each comparison scene helps you gain clarity on Harry's decision to leave.  It helps to watch the movie from the beginning and uninterrupted to get the full impact.  

I give it 4 out of 5 stars

I thought it was tradition to support your family when they are under attack - Harry

You know this is the life we signed up for - Kate

I feel silenced - Meghan

Yes please. Just be a royal robot today - Harry

Corona a crown that nobody wants - Leonard

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Webcam Cheerleaders - Review

Webcam Cheerleaders - Lifetime - 2 hours and 0 minutes

After hearing about her identical twin's suicide, Maisy transferred to her sister's school and joined her cheerleading team.  Maisy doesn't believe her sister, Amelia, would kill herself, so Maisy starts talking to her teammates after the first practice.  Some ingratiate themselves to Maisy, like captain Ella but most remain indifferent.  Maisy shares a dorm with Amelia's friend and teammate, Lisa.  Lisa tells Maisy that Amelia had a lot of problems.  Amelia was depressed and suffered from an eating disorder.

This rumor doesn't sound anything like the sister Maisy remembers.  Maisy tries to get into Amelia's computer, but it's password protected.  When Maisy keeps asking questions, Lisa admits to hearing a rumor that some cheerleaders are webcam girls.  Maisy remembers to see a few of the cheerleaders in high-end, luxury cars.  No matter the truth, Maisy will uncover the dark side of this team.  But the more questions Maisy asks, the more others hear.  They refuse to let Maisy come in between them and their money.

It doesn't take long for this mystery to unravel for the viewer.  However, you wait for Maisy to catch up.  Each time she makes progress, someone uses a campaign of embarrassment, addiction, and plagiarism to keep Maisy in line.  With help from Max, Maisy keeps pushing forward.  When she uncovers the tragic end of Amelia, you will either be 100% right or 100% wrong.  And in today's cancel culture, the reasoning is understandable.  

I give it 3.5 out of 5 stars

I trust you're staying under the radar - Mr. Thornton

Yeah. But it's their choice, so - Lisa

Let me help you - Max

Did Amelia die because of this - Maisy

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A Vineyard Romance - Review

A Vineyard Romance - UPtv - 2 hours and 0 minutes

Sam admits that she has a creative block and needs a new challenge to clear it.  She works for Wedding Belles and writes other's love stories but has nothing to write for herself.  Sam's boss calls Sam into her office.  A social media influencer, Heather, is getting married in Everlasting Vineyards, and Heather selected Wedding Belles to cover her wedding.  Sam doesn't know why Heather would have her wedding in a small town.  Sam knows Everlasting well because she grew up there, so the boss doubles down on her decision.  Sam can provide a personal touch to the article using her connection to the town.  Sam grits her teeth and heads home.  At home, everyone tries to tell Sam something, but she keeps cutting them off.  At the venue, Sam meets Heather and her assistant, Chase, for the first time.  While talking about the wedding, Heather's fiance, Liam, walks in.  Liam is Sam's high school sweetheart and the man that broke her heart years ago.  Neither of them can believe the other is standing in front of them.  They decide to stay mum about the situation for the sake of Heather and Liam's wedding.  Liam refuses to do an interview, and she attempts to ignore him.  But as fate pulls them together, will Sam pull Heather and Liam apart?

While this movie has funny moments, it's predictable the moment you meet Heather.  You can see that city girl, Heather, is not the right fit country boy, Liam.  But she is your reason to watch.  Heather's demands range from caring to insensitive to funny to mean to loving.  And her yes-man, Chase, is a riot.  With so many recognizable characters in this Hallmark genre, Heather is the breath of fresh air the script needs to keep you watching.  While you want to write her off for being a brat, she is the most entertaining aspect of this movie.

I give it 3 out of 5 stars

Is that how it sounds - Sam

Still walking and reading, I see - Liam

I love her. She's perfect - Heateher

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Journey of My Heart - Review

Journey of My Heart - Hallmark - 2 hours and 0 minutes

Abby is an ornithologist and works for North Star Wildlife.  Her friend, Megan, keeps trying to set Abby up on dates, but Abby's number proves they aren't the right guy.  At work, Abby mentions to their boss, David, that she wants to work on a story about Alice Hughes.  Alice Hughes provided the information to make eagles a protected species in 1972.  With the eagle population in an upswing, the government will take them off the list.  Abby wants to make sure the government information is correct by comparing today's statistics with Alice's information.  David loves the idea and wants Abby to do it offline.  This revelation takes Abby back because she does all her research online.  He wants her to be hands-on for the first time like Alice.  A few days later, Abby meets with Alice, and Alice tells Abby about Eaglecrest.  It was there that Alice witnessed the migration pattern and near extinction of eagles.  Alice doesn't have a map, but she drew pictures, took notes, and kept a diary.  She gives all the information to Abby but with stipulations.

Abby can't publish Alice's original findings, can't give the location of Eaglecrest, must have a guide of Alice's choosing, and Alice must authorize final approval to Abby before printing her article.  Abby agrees, and Alice makes the arrangements.  Alice made accommodations for Abby at Lakeside Lodge, where she will meet her guide.  At the lodge, Abby sees a man playing the piano. He dismisses her as another bird watcher.  The man is Eric, and Eric will be her guide.  He promises to take her to Eaglecrest because his grandmother, Alice, told him to.  But he warns Abby that the terrain is treacherous and on native land.  She agrees to be alert and respectful.  This trip will be Abby's vision quest for eagles, life, and love.

Majestic scenery with a nicely paced love story is a guaranteed win for Hallmark.  As the nature story progresses, you find a shocking truth about Eric.  You won't learn his secret here, though.  This movie will pull you in with views of the forests, waterfalls, bears, and eagles, and this view will give you an instant connection to Eric and his family's love for the land.  With an intriguing story and cinematography, don't let the embellishment of history sway you from watching.  It's easy to google things and get upset if they aren't true, but this isn't an actual-events movie.  This film is a gorgeous movie about love.

I give it 4 out of 5 stars

To me a commitment means forever - Abby

I still have the scars if that's what you mean - Alice

Oh, a professional bird watcher - Eric

Wow, you are literally following in her footsteps - Megan

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