You feel an intimidating aura coming from him, so you do your best to avoid him…

However, it doesn't look like he'll be leaving you alone anytime soon..

Don't be afraid of me.

A loud snore jolted you awake, frustrating you since you had set your alarm to ring thirty minutes later. Foggily remembering that it was a school day, you tried to get out of bed - however, you were stopped by a pair of arms wrapped around your waist.

You looked down at the supposedly empty space next to you and saw Taehyung sleeping beside you, snoring loudly. His grip around your waist was tight as iron, as if he was afraid that you'd vanish if he let go.

Taehyung had refused to leave you alone after what you had experienced, so the memories of last night came flooding back to you like a tidal wave. He persisted in sleeping in your residence, claiming he was only trying to keep you safe.

Seeing Taehyung next to you confused you, since you figured that he had decided to sleep in the living room to give you privacy - he tended to do so whenever he slept over. You figured that he must have felt lonely and snuck in last night. 

You decided to study Taehyung's features as he slumbered away. He looked angelic in his sleep; but then again he always did. He was one of the most handsome people you knew, and the fact that he was popular among the girls in school wasn't surprising to you.

You went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast after wriggling free from Taehyung's hold. You decided to make Kimchi for the two of you because you knew how much he enjoyed it. While you were cooking, your thoughts began to wander, and you began to question if you deserved a friend like Taehyung. He was willing to go to any length for his family, even if it meant sacrificing his own happiness.. In your mind, he was without a doubt your guardian angel.

"....Lin?" Turning towards the voice that broke you from your thoughts, you saw Taehyung, still half-asleep, his bleary gaze upon you. He couldn't even open his eyes properly. The fact that he brought a pillow with him and snuggled it was just too cute to you.

"Good morning,Tae! Did you sleep well?"

"...Yeah. Good morning, Lin. You're up early." You were slightly caught off guard by how low and husky Taehyung's morning voice sounded - after all, it's been a while since you two last had a sleepover like this.

"Breakfast is ready! I made your favorite, Kimchi!" The taller male stared at you for what seemed to be a solid minute, his mind processing your words, before he took in what you said. He smiled lazily, his chin resting on top of the pillow he was hugging close to his chest. Once again, you couldn't help but think he was cute doing such a thing.

"Thanks, Lin. You always know how to make me happy…." A smile immediately came to your face as you placed the food on the table, both of you taking your seats as you did so. As the two of you dug into the meal and praised your cooking, your mind didn't register that Taehyung was staring at you the whole time.

After a quick shower and slipping into your clothes, you were finally set for school. You sat on the sofa as you waited for Taehyung, who had returned to his home to fetch his own bag and get changed. In the meantime, you decided to watch some television in an attempt to entertain yourself.

You stumbled into the news channel after browsing through various dramas and reality shows, which featured an all-too-familiar alley. You took a deep breath as your memory flashed back to what had happened in that ominous area.

"Even though they have a sample of the murderer's blood, local authorities are still having difficulty identifying the culprit. The only witness to the crime, who has decided to stay anonymous, has yet to recall any details about the culprit."

You were deathly silent as you vividly recalled being approached by the same reporter, who had questioned you for some details. You told them what little you knew, but asked them to keep your identity a secret - and you had no regrets about your decision.

The scene suddenly changed to a shot of the girl's corpse, and you couldn't do anything but stare at her deathly cold, pale skin, her screams of pure terror reverberating in your mind. The television suddenly turned off before the news reporter could say another word, and Taehyung came into view, holding the remote control and staring at you with a worried expression. He was dressed in a set of new clothes and carrying his backpack on his shoulder.

"I...I had the opportunity to save her, Tae, but I didn't. She died as a result of my actions. If I wasn't such a coward, I could've rushed in and helped her...but instead I hid, and now she's..." Taehyung slowly sat in the seat next to you and tenderly wrapped his arm across your shoulders for support, rubbing your back and gently laying your head on his shoulder. As always, you felt safe and warm in his embrace. 

"Lin... please, don't do this to yourself. You aren't at fault. Think of what could've happened if you ran in there. You… would have been killed, without knowing if she ended up safe. I can't risk losing you, Lin. You did your best to help - you defended yourself, and helped report it - that itself is enough."

Taehyung's words quickly lifted your spirits, so you hugged him as a silent sign of thanks. He hesitated before he hugged you back, but you were too caught up in your thoughts to notice this.

"Thanks, Taehyung; I owe you one. I really do."

Taehyung locked his gaze on you for a few moments, before grinning warmly and ruffling your hair. You pouted and grumbled about how long it took you to fix your hair, which drew a hearty laugh from Taehyung. 

"You don't owe me anything, Lin...come on, let's head to school, shall we?"

With that, you and Taehyung left your place and walked to school in silence. Reaching the school gates, the two of you stood there, disappointment sinking in since you weren't in the same class as him. Although, you did feel that he was more protective around you - now more than ever.

"Hey, Lin…"

"Yeah, Taehyung?"

"Don't take this the wrong way, Lin, but...I think you should make some friends. I understand that you have some….trust issues because of that incident, but I can't bear imagining you being alone in a crowded room." 

"I heard that there's going to be a new student today. If he ends up in your class, you should try being friends with him. It will be a great start for you both, trust me. i ...I can't be your only friend, Lin." (Tae)

Taehyung's worry had more of an impact on you than you thought it would. You didn't have any other friends than him, and he was right. It wasn't that you couldn't make any; it was simply that you didn't want to. You were concerned that it might happen again - and you didn't want to risk that happening once more. You couldn't help but to agree with Taehyung. Even if you did have him by your side, it's better to have some more friends - especially if there was a time when Taehyung wasn't there.

"You're right, Tae. I'll try my best to make some new friends."

"Good girl. See you after class, okay? Can't wait to meet your new friend later!"

After heading inside and waving goodbye to Taehyung, you decided to stop by your locker since you had plenty of spare time. As soon as you opened it, an envelope fell out. Scooping it up off of the floor, curiosity got the best of you and you opened it, beginning to quietly read it. You gasped softly as you read its contents, realizing that in your hands was a love letter.

"It's anonymous...who would give me this? I barely know anyone else...What's Tae going to say when he finds out? Wait, maybe this person inserted it in the wrong locker?...No, it has my name on it, so..."

The thought of having a secret admirer deeply flustered you - such a thing hadn't really happened to you, and you didn't quite know how to handle such information. As you took your books and ruminated on this ordeal, you didn't notice the boy rushing headlong in your direction. As a result, he collided into you, causing the both of you to crashdown onto the floor, with your stuff falling as well.

"Tch, watch where you're going, would you?" You recognized that voice immediately. It was Yoongi - a popular guy within the student population, and a star member of the school's basketball team. He was also a jerk, the epitome of rude, and you despised him and his attitude.

In fact, he wasn't even helping you pick up your things after having bumped into you. He just got up and stood in front of you, looking incredibly unamused. 

"Excuse me? You're the one running in the hallways."

"Psh, you're the one who wasn't looking…Getting distracted over a simple letter? What, are you still hung up over the fantasies of high school romance?" Your eyes widened when you realized that Yoongi was holding the letter you were reading moments ago, casually reading it with a disinterested gaze. You attempted to take it back, but Yoongi quickly maneuvered it away from your reach - similar to how he was with a basketball on the court.

"Give it back, Yoongi."

"Why should I, Round face? You know, I'm surprised that someone would give you this. At the same time, I really do feel bad...for the guy."

"Round face? Excuse me, but I have a name…! Also, I am proud of my round face, thank you very much."

"Whatever, Round face. Here, take it - not that I need it anyway. I'm going to be late for class."

Before you can start ranting internally, the sound of the bell rings throughout the halls. You were steaming as you watched Yoongi walk away smugly, as if he had won this argument. No words could truly describe how much you couldn't stand him.

"...Ah! I'm going to be late! Stupid, Min Yoongi!" Shoving the letter in your pocket as you ran to your classroom, you almost bumped into other students in the hallway as you hurried. Finally reaching your classroom, you quickly entered and signed in relief. No professor was present yet.

As soon as you made it to your seat at the back of the room, the professor entered and went to stand at the front of the room. You could feel your heart skip a beat - your arrival was an extremely lucky, close call.

"Good morning, class! Today, we are going to have a new transfer student join us!" When the professor announced anything, the class tended to erupt in murmurs. As the female students gushed over the new transfer student, you couldn't help but roll your eyes. You then remembered Tae's advice to become friends with the incoming student, and sighed softly.

"Mr. Jeon, please enter and introduce yourself." Your gaze settled on the dashing young guy who had entered the room, and you couldn't help but stare. He was fidgeting ever so slightly, most likely because he was nervous, but he had a huge smile on his face. You had to admit that he was attractive.

"Hello, everyone! My name is Jeon Jungkook! Please take care of me!" He says warmly, before he promptly bows.

Jungkook's cuteness made the girls swoon as they began to chatter amongst themselves once more. Meanwhile, you were taken aback by his youthfulness. Jungkook examined the room with his gaze, and as his eyes landed upon you, causing him to stare directly at you. He blinked for a few moments before his grin grew larger, stretching from ear to ear. You stared at him with a puzzled look on your face, unsure of what he was doing.

"Alright, Jungkook, you can go ahead and sit in the empty seat over there. Do you mind being at the back of the class?" Jungkook shook his head and walked over to his seat, still staring at you. It took a moment for you to notice that the empty seat was next to you, causing you to unconsciously let out a heavy sigh. You knew that you were going to have to deal with all of his staring, whether you liked it or not.

"Okay, class, for today let's start with infinitesimal calculus."

Oh, man...