Yesterday was fun ! 😂

We went on Islamabad tour at 5 PM and returned back home at 3 AM. Today and tommorow is a lockdown so everyone is sleeping but I'm not even surprised. Yesterdays trip around Islamabad was quite adventurous.

First we went to one of the most modern mosque, Faisal mosque. Although the architecture is very beautiful I did not really feel for this place. Maybe because I do not bond well with other religions. I'm quite philosophical about my own, Christianity. But nevertheless, I respect the regulations and laws of Islam thus I covered my head while visiting. You also need to be careful about skinship here as people are still quite sensitive about it even in Islamabad.

Next we went to one of the biggest malls here, Giga mall. And do not be surprised. Islamabad in Pakistan is a modern city. It was a really cool experience to see different kinds of people because even over here to wear a hijab is a womans choice. Ahad said some woman wear it only as a part of the fashion without any connection to the Quran. And it's okay. I'm learning so much about women rights since I came here. Before I met Ahad I always thought girls cannot go to school. All because of Malala that years earlier was shot in the head. But it seems things changed since then. I'm glad to see it.

While being on a tour in the mall there was a stand with parrots. I couldn't pass by without taking few pictures thinking about the circus with camels in the childhood. I really wanted to ride a camel but was to heavy according to grandmom 😅. So selfie with parrots was it ðŸĪŠ. I did not do any shopping although Ahad was inclined to buy the whole toystore for my boys. There were dinosaurs and cars. Everything that belongs to Austin and Aarons world. In the end we ended the tour at Giga mall by buying a chickenbucket at KFC. And let me tell you. This shit here is so salty ðŸĨĩ. But on the other side I feel so greatful. My new family treats me so well. Even when they are extremely tired.

Afterwards we went to Ahads brothers office, the quarter of Fortnite for few minutes. We thought that we would meet his boss that comes from Sweden just like me so Ahad tried to practice some Swedish ...ðŸĪĢ ... but it was all in vain. But a very enriching experience for me because no.1 I know my Ahad and Swedish are opposites and no.2 I had opportunity to a good laugh 😜. But jokes aside, what I learned is that the offices in Pakistan look like big villa houses. I would not mind to work in an office that feels like home ðŸĨ°.

After that we went to a place with a lot of restaurants. The place called Shahinshah Tikka House cookes one of the most yummiest food ever. Although my belly was filled with KFC Ahad still handfed me with their food. Everything tastes more yummy when he feeds me ðŸĨ°.

Then our final destination. Tada da da ðŸĪ­... A mini Eiffel Tower ðŸĨģ. I was actually overly excited about this one. It's a pity only we went at night. It would be such a joy to climb up although I'm scared of hights. I heard the view at the city from there is breathtaking.

After that our day ended. We returned home but what a pleasing evening that was. Cousin in law and brother in law were so exhausted they dropped in the car 😂. Anyone else can feel bromance flowing in the air?

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