And it's time for Block 7 of our Let's Stay Home BOM! This month it's about tea.... making a pot of it!

I just LOVE tea sets and tea pots. I don't know why... I got my first tea set when I was a teenager. It was made of glass with red plastic handles. Very modern... and yes, red was my favorite color back then!

Now, the stitchery part of this block has been done for a week, BUT I was waiting to post it until I had made the whole block... The problem was, I had already cut out the pieces before we moved, thinking I was so clever, ... and PUT THEM IN A SAFE PLACE!

Note to self: Next time I put something in a SAFE PLACE, write where said place is in my planner.......

UGH! I finally gave in and trust that I will still find those pieces because they were the last I had of the fabric.........

On a more positive note, after this one there's just two to go!

Ok, back to our block....

It is a sweet tea pot:

Let's Stay Home Block 7 - Let's Stay Home and Have a Pot of Tea!

We are still not allowed to visit friends at home, which is the main thing I miss about being in lockdown. Not being able to share a pot of tea with friends.

So here it is, a virtual pot of tea to share with all of you!

I've had a long enough blog break - it's a been a busy one! I'll be back soon to give you an update on my studio! And hopefully find those missing bits of fabric!!!!

Till then... let's stay home and have a pot of tea...