To analyze is to dig into the core of a subject. Is the big question always "Why?"?

I remember having one of those heart moments with my dad and when I took a longer breath in between one of my rants, he said "Maybe you should stop over analyzing it"...

Huh? Stop breathing. Stop.... wait, huh?

This concept of taking something at face value or not thinking more of a situation... is this what rational people do. Take the information, give it a value (understanding) then move on...!? I would take it at face value, rip it to shreds looking for all the extra information and details and attempt with all my might to put it back together into some sort of whole object again. I have come to the realization that how I have been able to face life the way that I do is through the lens of an overthinker. I over analyze EVERYTHING. This type of life does cause for excess worry and unnecessary frustration, but also I ultimately prepared for whatever outcome can come my way. I'm already ready for the next shoe to drop, but as I've mentioned in a previous rant that is not always the case.

I do find time to smell the roses, prepared with a sweater just in case it gets chilly. 😉