Lol, I've gotten alot more ornery as I've gotten older, and more things bother me now than they used to. Here's a quick list of the top 5 things that annoy me today.

1. Casual cursing. Now, cursing in the heat of the moment doesn't bug me. I actually catch myself doing that too. But it's the cursing that's part of a person's normal everyday vernacular that REALLY irks me. Like, "Wanna go shopping or s***?" or "Your puppy is cute as f***!" etc. I just cringe at this and I've been seeing it ALOT on TikTok and that's my biggest turn-off about that app. The cursing is out of control there.

2. Adding sugar to naturally sweet foods. My in-laws do this and it makes me crazy! I love fruit and their natural taste. Just love it. My kid does too. But my in-laws will never serve any fruit unless they dump a ton of extra sugar on top of it first. Kills me. Feels ruined!

3. Ambiguous invitations. I start sweating when I get that text "Hey what are you doing on Friday?" Because there's always an implicit invitation coming next, depending on how you answer. Lol, but my answer DEPENDS on what your invitation turns out to be! For example, before I tell you if I'm busy or not, I kinda need to know FIRST if your question is going to be "Can you watch my 2 bratty kids so I can go out for hot wings?" vs "Wanna go out and eat hot wings with me?"

4. Not returning the shopping cart after you're done unloading all your purchases to your trunk. Kills me! Especially when that abandoned shopping cart is taking up a perfectly good parking spot. This is just plain rude and inconsiderate.

5. And finally, the person that doesn't know how to use the self-checkout. Especially when they are right in front of me. At this point, they really need to get in line for the checker instead. Because I'm usually in a hurry and this situation needs to NOT be holding me up.

And that's my top 5 for today folks! What do you think? Do I need to lighten up? 🙂