The government still plays this, game that the country can't even, afford to play, and, it's, risking all our lives here too, yeah, how's that for the benefits of the people again???  Oh, it's N-O-T, that game of "chicken" with China here, not a wise idea, commentaries off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

On China's National Day on the first, from day until night, there were, a total of, thirty-eight Communist Chinese planes that "patrolled" the southwestern air borders.  The following day, that record was broken, from day until night, a total of, thirty-nine aircrafts had, harassed our air.  The head of international affairs, Wu tweeted this: we are threatened by Communist China, and no longer need to "make more excuses for them".

Funny, what excuses does China have, to satisfy Wu finally?  The levels of hostilities between China and Taiwan heightened up higher, I warn you, you warned me, do we need, any more, excuses?  Wu "shape-shifted" into the head of international affairs, and would cuss China out on the frontlines, the Mainland Affairs Council stood, chicken, on the back; and like so, how can we have civil conversations with China?

what the Chinese government is engaging in with the government here! Illustration found online

Reason why Communist Chinese aircraft kept harassing our southwestern borders because, first, this area is too far away, too vast, too hard for the country's military to keep watch over it; secondly, they're using, mental warfare on us, using the advantage of "We can harass you whenever we want" day and night, and there's nothing you can do about us, to fatigue the country's defense, to loosening our border patrols.  And like so, other than counting the fighter planes, doing inventories daily on them, calling out, "Wolf!", the Department of Defense also needed to, have a, better rounded plan.

It's understandable how the DOD called out "wolf" constantly, to get the locals worked up about how bossy China is.  The problem is, the more times you'd cried "wolf", people are, getting, tired of hearing; buying up massive amounts of weapons, people would start doubting, will they, actually, if and when an invasion comes?  Then, we will all be asking: once a war becomes, inevitable, is Taiwan, truly, ready?  And, how long will be last in a war with China?

I do beg that the government run by Tsai, to not play that game of "count the planes" anymore, a country, with the mandated armed service terms of only four months, can't afford to play this game that's, too high, in cost!

And so, this is like those kids, with one hitting the other first, then, the one who got hit, hit back, and then, this god damn "game" just keeps on occurring, until someone gets punched too hard and start to cry loudly, then, mama comes in and say: stop it you two, or ELSE!  Only, that there's, no mama in this story, and, we can't defeat China, because let's face it, their numbers are, greater than us, more than ten billion in population over there, and how many people do we have here again???  Exactly, and, we also can't beat them in resources, and, with the world watching close, WHO do you think the rest of the world's gonna side with, IF we were, ever going to go to war with China (with more than 12 billion in population, right???), that's, a HUGE piece of the pie called, market economy, so yeah, we're, destined to lose, and yet, this government still does NOT take heed, are you fucking (don't pardon me here!!!) kidding me!

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