The screeching could be hearing from distances close and far but as the young girl looked around, she could not see anyone. That was what terrified her. She could hear but not see, and knew beyond a shadow of a doubt they were surrounded.

Every time she looked around, bursts of light blinded her and the boy she protected. She cradled the infant in her arms and ran. She ducked through burning, abandoned buildings; the girl did not know the last time these buildings were inhabited as this planet was completely new to her. Her parents had dropped her in this middle of these buildings this morning and told her to find shelter. They had left her brother with her.

"But why, mooma?" She had asked as her mother grabbed her delicate wrist. In her mom's hand was a tiny rose bracelet; the metal opening on the underside just big enough to slip the girl's hand through. On the inside, small letters shone bright; beautiful girl, you can do hard things.

"Baby, you must keep this on you at all times. If you or your brother are ever in trouble, take it off your wrist and remember: your father and I will always be with you." Her mom said as she hugged the girl tightly and drifted back towards the ship that waited.

"He can't find you here, baby. They don't know about the royalty. We will be back for you once the attack on our ships is over." Her mother was in the ship now and the door was closing. "I love you both. Stay safe!"

Those were the last words the young girl heard from her mother. She hoped to see her again soon. The low hanging, black fog terrified the young girl. But she would do what her mom said. She would keep her brother and herself safe.

The fog was so dense, the girl would have to crawl on the ground while holding the silent baby to her chest to feel where they were going. Not going to happen; it put them in a vulnerable position. No. They had to stand and run.


The sound of the gunshot ricocheted off the buildings and the girl jumped; waking the baby. They needed to move faster. With the infant tucked into her chest, the girl tried to get the fear out of her head. "Come on!" She cried to herself as her feet pounded against the corroded pavement. Ten steps and they would be back at the building the girl had found this morning. Eight steps. Her left arm stretched out in front of her; hand hit brick. She pushed her back against the crumbling, brick wall and they moved silently in the dark.

The boy opened his mouth for a large intake of breath. He thought it was the best time to cry right now…. he would learn quickly. He needed to stay quiet, but she did not have the time to stop and make him comfortable. Suddenly, a pressure rest on her shoulder. It was the palm of a hand and it stopped their forward progress abruptly.

"Where do you think you're going?" A deep voice sounded from the shadows.

The girl was too afraid to speak. She knew she had failed. She tried to retreat into the shadows but the hand would not release her shoulder.

"You're coming with me." The voice boomed. Suddenly, the gunshots stopped and the area went silent. The only sound came from her lungs.