The system DOWN, and all of those "tiny little children" who FAILED to BACK up their work, got totally, SCREWED over!!!  And, woe is, T-H-E-M, due to NO backup, they're, totally, @#$%ED up that's for sure…off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

For the 7,854 high school students from eighty-one schools, September 25 WAS, a total, NIGHTMARE.  On that day, the media disclosed that the system of learning profile because of moving onto an alternative server, and there was a glitch, and due to, no backup, 25,000 already uploaded learning process profiles had been, damaged and can't be, recovered back.

the students who got, @#$%ED up, because they can't, possibly, duplicate, this...

working hard on their projects of the learning process profiles! Photo from online

Taoyuan's Wuling High School senior, En-En (a false name) was one of the "victims" of this, system glitch, he'd pointed out, that the college admissions committees in the past stated that the projects are weighed n quality, not quantity, he'd put everything he had into every file he'd uploaded, and yet, in just one night, all of his second semester of this second-to-last year of high school, gone in one night.

The last year student from Zhongshan All-Girls' High School, Ming-Ya (a false name) also testified, that although her school wasn't affected by the glitch, but, there were friends of hers from other schools, because they'd not backed up their work, they'd decided, to give up on the admissions using the applications, and focused on the academic exams; the Department of Education doesn't have a CLUE of how hard it would be for the students to REUPLOAD their files, "we're preparing for our college entrance exams in our final year of high school, we do NOT have the time to do all of that all over again.  And, the learning process results, after we'd uploaded it, it's done, it's, not possible for us to return the files back to what we'd sent it in as that first time."

En-En stated, that even as the Department of Education pays the instructors by the hours now, to help the students reupload their work, there were many students who'd gone to the instructors to discuss the matters by themselves, most would rather just, bury their heads down and work it again, or, do the reports on ones own, or with a group, the assistance wasn't helpful enough one bit.

The National Guild of High School Education's secretary, Hsu called out to the Department of National Education, try and finish inventory of what's lost per school, and if the students had the backups of their own files, back it up, and, those who couldn't find their work, set up the specialty cases with the schools independently to try and recover, so the instructors who are on the frontlines can know which students are in need of the re-counseling, to prevent the kids giving up on themselves, because they don't want to redo the projects again, which will cause even more unfairness.

And so this is still why, we ALWAYS and FOREVER, BACK UP our files, and, back up THAT backup files, because if we don't, this can happen, and, it's just, a tiny little blip in the system, that's, going to screw, ALL these, high school last year students over, and, to think, that they originally had the opportunities, to get into, the topnotch universities, but, because of that tiny glitch, they'd, lost that, and it's still the fault of???  Oh yeah, the DEPARTMENT of EDUCATION here, and boy oh boy, am I glad, that I'm out of the school setting already here.

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