On the random physical assaults, the attacks of the innocent individuals by the mentally ill, and how none of us are, free from the responsibilities of how someone got injured by a person with psychological illness, observations, off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The case of the female store clerk being physically assaulted in Pingdong brought up the matter of those who are mentally ill and living among the general public.  Mostly, those who has a mental condition, aren't labeled as violent, but they should live, in seclusion, away from the public.  Because statistics show that there's a higher rate of acts of violence in those who hadn't been formally, diagnosed.  On this, I have three points for you to consider:

First the patient's own sense of pathology is the most basic of preventive means.  If you're human, then you will fall ill, and, if you are ill, there are the treatments in therapies, medications to help relieve your symptoms, an individual who doesn't know how to treat one's own body well enough, it's truly a shame, and in the end, s/he'd used violent means, and made the victims and oneself, pay.

Secondly, the stereotypical beliefs about mental patients which were too deeply rooted in the minds of the public.  Some reports used words like, "the individual is seemingly psychologically ill, and that's why s/he committed a crime that caused regret", and, if we're exposed to this sort of wordings long-term, the general public is bound to set up their minds about what psychological illnesses are.  And once that label gets slapped on, it would be hard to rip the labels off, and so, as the media press reported on the case, of the police officers tried to solve the crimes, they would naturally assume that the individual is, psychologically ill, thus, carried the prejudices in investigating, reporting the cases.

Thirdly: there's a lacking in interpersonal relations and social support and the social security nets being set up.  Every person has a subjective point of view, some of us, are stubborn in a certain thought, and that can't be changed.  You can say that the man has obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, anxiety disorder, but, to the individual, as s/he is experiencing the feelings, the thoughts, it's, too real to her/him, and when the condition gets too serious, then, the chances of tragedies might occur.  And, to spot the abnormal behaviors through supports from the relatives, friends, families, as well as social network, social welfare programs, to not allow an incident, to become that final, straw.

Nobody wants oneself, her/his family members to get ill, and I'm sure, that none of the psychologically ill patients would want to see these sorts of tragedies to keep on occurring, it would become a pressure in one's own life, as well as causing that widespread panic in the society.  We all must, take part in keeping the society safe, nobody is an outsider in this.

And so, this is on the lack of awareness of psychological condition, of how we are used to slapping that label on someone, because let's face it, that would be, WAY much, easier, than to help the person get the help that s/he will require, to recover, and so, that's why this sort of tragedies keeps on happening, again, again, again, and again, and we're all, responsible for why this keeps on, happening, because we didn't do anything, to help that person in need out, and the person CRACKED, and went on that shooting, stabbing rampage, and nobody can be without, the responsibilities for doing SOMETHING about it, because we can all chip in to help out, it's just, that we used that, hands-off, N.I.M.B.Y. attitude to it all.

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