What happens to in sickness and in health, 'til death again???  Oh yeah, that does, NOT, exist!!!  Off of the Newspapers, translated…

A man in Taichung, Lo married the woman, Lin nine years ago, after Lin gave birth, she had an embolism in her amniotic sac, causing her heart and lung failures, became a vegetable, and, after many years' worth of treatment, she'd still, not waken up, and Lo filed for divorce because of it, the first and second trial, tossed back Lo's request of divorce, because Lin's falling into a vegetative state wasn't her fault, Lo fought for the appeal, and the retrial from the first found, that there's no knowing if Lin will ever, regain consciousness, that this is a case of "can't fulfilling the duties of marriage", and, permitted him to divorce her.

Lo claimed, that he and Lin were wed in August of 2012, and in October of same year, Lin had a caesarian birth of an infant daughter (died on October 25th), back then, due to anoxia caused by her birth, Lin fell into a vegetative state, and after the years' worth of treatment procedures, she'd still, not waken up, and for the two years, they were only married in name, but not in form, he'd wanted a divorce from her.

Lin's families told, that reason why Lin became a vegetable was caused by the embolism of her amniotic fluid during the birthing process, that this was a tragedy for both the husband and the wife, that the responsibilities should NOT be only on one party.

In the first retrial, the judge believed, that Lin had been in a vegetative state for nine years, that anyone would lose the desires to maintain a marriage like so, that legally, this constitutes as "a marriage that can't be, maintained", and the judge found the man's claims of wanting divorce valid, the case can still be appealed.

And so, this still just showed, how COLD you losers CAN be, you're still using us as, baby machines, and once we'd become unproductive like this woman became, fallen into a vegetative state due to the embolism in her amniotic sac, you want to divorce us, and that, is just how cold the world CAN be, because, nothing IS set, and you can't count on your partners to stay by your sides, when things like this happens to you.

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