We took the kids camping last week. I wasn't sure how my two princesses would cope being away from WiFi and electricity, but they completely surprised me! They loved sleeping in tents and cooking on the tiny gas stove. Even when we got caught in a wind storm and one of our tents got ripped to shreds they treated it like a huge adventure.

Losing one of the tents meant that all 4 of us had to squish into the same tent, which would have been fine if it wasn't for the hail and thunderstorms, bucketing rain and howling winds. And the fact that our tent is apparently not waterproof anymore. A year ago I would have demanded that we pack up and go home as soon as the first raindrop fell, but I surprised myself and enjoyed the chaos. I didn't freak out when we got caught up the mountain in a thunderstorm and had to race back down to safety, I didn't panic when the tent collapsed or when all our gear got wet. Instead we all just kinda got on and made the best of it. Honestly, it was one of the best family trips we've had in a while.

I don't know if it was being surrounded by nature, or the fact that I'm so well medicated, or that I'm feeling so burnt out that I just couldn't be bothered to care but I loved the whole chaotic experience.

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