
Friendly Reminder: You cannot lose your "virginity" to a tampon. Hymen ≠ Virginity

Virginity is a MAN-made construct to keep women in line. Having consensual, safe sex does not make you a slut or any less desirable as a partner, and it definitely does not make you a chewed up piece of gum.

Sex is a natural part of our lives. We are born to have sex; that's why women menstruate.

Have ALL the safe, consensual sex you want. Pick a good play partner and learn what your body loves and craves, vs what you dislike and feel uncomfortable with.

Learn to say no. Learn how to use protection, and experiment with different types of hormonal or non-hormonal birth control.

Finally, if you decide tempons are the best sanitary product for you, fucking do it. And if you try them and they're not for you, try something else.

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