I let weeks pass by without publishing my first blog post and here is what i was good at, advertising its arrival!

Imagine something i could have ended with but its what i started. I was so nervous my heart was racing fast each time i thought about publishing my first blog post.

What scared me was putting my thoughts down and publishing them which is so strange because i have always written the longest posts on social media, facebook to be specific.

Publishing the mom blog

I felt so blessed to meet someone who politely asked me, but where is the blog? Because you write so well! I was encouraged to just simply publish the blog that had been on my drafts for weeks.

Okay now i thought i was over publishing my first blog post and i expected to flow the next time. I realised that it was not the case, i got more anxious i guess i still wanted everything to be perfect but it just did not happen like that. I did not get to a place where i felt everything was perfect but i relied on pouring my heart out so well.

There more i published is the more i felt i had to make a better post the next time. I trapped myself to over do yet blogging is simply putting in diary what you have learnt in your journey. It is just like starting a business, starting is the worst part of the journey. However if you keep repeating the selling to clients process, you just get better and more confident.

Developing consistency

I recall having a huge gap between my posting days. I had ine post and i would only post weeks after my last post.I started to procrastinate writing my posts because i was really afraid i would fail and nobody likes to fail. What i learnt though is that it is better to fail than not try at all and you find you practise a lot which becomes so much easier for your progress in life.

I anticipated validation for my posts so i can see that what i write is good for other moms too but sometimes you do not get feedback at all and generally you just rely on stats to take note of what kind of content works for moms.

So i was able to get the courage to continue blogging as i have so much i have learnt and continue to learn on a daily basis. I desire to share what i keep learning with other moms. I eventually developed publishing days which i have committed to meet. Through repetition in what you do, you just become better.


I really appreciate that feedback from those who are able because i get to engage with other moms who are on their journey too where we find that helping each other helps us to be aware of certain things we may neglect at the moment.

I understand the busy life of a mother too that at times you scroll through a feed and your mind is pre- occupied to comment or give feedback through an email but feedback helps us realise what most moms find challenging and finding ways to approach such challenges.

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Confronting moms fears constructively part 1


Mother to a new born baby/babies (post partum plan)

Confronting fears and living above them

What really scared me the most is the fact that when it comes to parenting choices people can be very judgemental and it hurts. However i did not want that to stop me from accomplishing my dream of creating a mom community where we all feel loved and capable to be the best parents we can be.

One of the major things i feared was posting and not getting the kind of engagement you desire as a mom hoping to connect. When you put your mind on creating something, you have certain expectations on your mind and when those expectations fall way below your target. It can wreak havoc on you! It really sets you back affecting your performance even further.

Lessons learnt

Growth does not come in one day but it takes time to build consistency. There is a different when you plant lettuce and a tree. The two are so different but one may be used short term and the latter can be used in the long term for a very long time.

I really enjoy the relationships i am building from social media from moms and other young people who desire to start families of their own one day. I learn so much from so many ladies, the only difference is that i document publicly what i have learnt , failed at and succeeded at. I use that to improve other people's journey while improving my my path too

First time mom blogger mistakes

So i kept having gaps in between blogging days in fact its weeks because I'm not so certain about the kind of reception i am getting since its fewer than i anticipated

I decide to start a mini blog on facebook where i would post four times a day hoping that it will make my life much easier so i get to practise on mini daily posts with hope to drive traffic to my blog site. I have a few likes and fewer followers there too who engage with me and it can be so refreshing and encouraging if there is one person i can reach too and make a difference in their lives. That is really helpful too.

The mini blog on facebook,has been really helpful in making me to be so consistent in posting twice a week on this main blog site. I have been able to create more content and with the little interaction i was able to engage with my followers i am able to interact with them so i continue producing content that is relevant to their needs. You can follow the mini blog here Allthingsgodlypretty mommyblog

The journey continues

So does this mean i want to quit now that growth is a bit slow, no ways! I love it here.I want to continue to grow, improve my content, learn from other mothers, nurture this platform and develop a foundation for mothers where they can feel safe, loved and supported.

This has taught me the importance of supporting other people's content so they too can get feedback and continue to grow and be inspired in their field. I have always supported young business people but i never knew just how important it is to share their content too so that they grow.

It is easy for us mothers to lay our dreams aside and not pursue them because we feel we do not have time. Actually we do not have much time but if we can just commit our dreams as we do to a 9-5 job. You show up no Matter what is going on around you. You wake up an hour or two hours earlier and just get out of bed like a spaceship.

It is much easier to have a dream but not pursue it because we fear judgement and failure so much. I have learnt so much in my failures since i started that if you just gather the courage to continue. You will be an unstoppable force. There more consistent you are is the more you you gain people's trust and confidence in what you do.

What has kept me going is why i started blogging in the first place. I struggled as a mom who had 3 toddlers learning things under pressure, taking care of our children with my husband. I know how it feels like to go to gatherings and be anxious about how your children will behave there. I know how it is to be judged as a mom when your toddler screams or throws a tantrum in public.

A peaceful place

I wanted to create a place of strength and love. A place where people can feel free, loved, capable, not judged and at peace. I remember thinking if i can reach that mom or both parents struggling in one area that i have passed through and found ways to pass through even if mine were in tears. I get to serve a family through the purpose in my heart that is so strong i cannot ignore.

If you have been holding back on pursuing your dreams, or you do not get feedback at all, maybe you get little, or you started your business but the sales are not where you had hoped. Learn to sow into other people's lives. Give others what you desire whole heartedly not out of duty, support others and learn from people ahead of you. Improve where you can, listen to critics and make something beautiful with that information.

Tip: do not directly expect support where you have supported, be open and you will be amazed at whom God connects you with as you love others genuinely.

Wrapped in Love,

Futhi Mkhwanazi

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