I have a somewhat unconventional view of the fascist Trump in terms of a larger global conspiracy against democracy...that's the rub, that is possibly a conspiracy theory. But at least it is true that a trend toward anti-democracy as fascism invokes we might forget a genocidal viciousness and we can see how at the threshold of consciousness this murderous impulse was acted out by Trump. Overall the results of this menace have succeeded, we would guess, a regression on issues like vaccination, as we see now. The victims can't see that they are the victims as misplaced ideas of freedom.
As fascist mass murder goes, Trump's brand was a humdinger, and barely even noticed even by his critics...

Public health experts know that schools are likely sites for the spread of disease, and laws tying school attendance to vaccination go back to the 1800s.

Source: Parents were fine with sweeping school vaccination mandates five decades ago – but COVID-19 may be a different story