Our days have been spent preparing wood for the cold that is quickly coming. A few nights ago we lit the woodstove for the first time. We didn't have a clue what we were doing and smoked up the whole tent. Learning the dampers has been quite a challenge as well as keeping the temperature moderated in the tent. But we have woke up every morning with the tent at least 20 degrees warmer than the outside so I would think we are doing okay. And we are learning how to work it efficiently even after just a few nights.

I have cooked on the stove top several times-- even baked some yeast bread on top. It worked just needs some fine tuning to get it just right. Thanks to friends who are letting us borrow their gas powered log splitter we have accomplished a lot together.

We are all working together and though the work is hard--at the end of the day, I feel so much closer to my family. I wouldn't trade these days for anything. It is not easy living this life but it is worth the struggles I believe.

The other day we picked greens and cooked up a big pot for supper on the rocket stove. It was nice sitting down to a meal that we were blessed to grow ourselves.

My posts have been short lately I know. But this getting ready for winter has been an all comsuming push. I do hope everyone is doing well and has a blessed rest of the week.

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