Many of us like to act like we are perfect and every issue in our life is the fault of others. I call it entitlement junkie.

How you ever feel every other person's speech or action contributes to your failing and you the failing individual is so perfect and just need every other person to change towards you to experience the perfect you.

I have news for you, your cracks are getting wider. A yoruba adage says when the offender knows his crime and admits it, he is closer to getting forgiveness and making amends. The principle is the same for where we fall short in our lives.

Yes, you could be temperamental and blame it on stress, you could be abusive and place it on anger and you could blame the anger on work stress and blame the work quality on social inequality and blame social inequality on government or even the rich in your society, in the end, all you are doing is making excuse to avoid dealing with your anger issues.

The real issu most times is that you are angry at your situation, how your life didn't go as planned. You are angry about all the "if only" in your head. This has made you less appreciative of your reality. Leaving you in a constant flux mode and everything just reminds you of what ifs.

Don't widen the crack, embrace your reality, do a ln assessment, even an empty barrel can hold water so there is always opportunity if only you look for it.

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