After taking some time off from blogging, I'm back! ❤

My hope is that the next time I need a break, I'll have the foresight to pre-write and schedule some posts, like an organized professional would do. Unfortunately, I've not felt very organized or professional lately. Many of my blog post topics this year were decided on the day I wrote them. In some ways, that can be fun, because I sometimes surprise myself with what comes out during the writing session. However, in more ways, it's stressful to have not planned ahead. And specifically, when I find myself unexpectedly realizing that I don't have the capacity to continue writing on schedule for awhile, it means I have to abruptly announce that I will not be posting.

Recently, my family and I have been going through some transitions that took up a lot of my effort and energy, so it made sense to set blogging aside for a period of time to avoid burnout.

The first of those changes is that in the later part of this summer, Josh and I decided to take the leap into starting our game development business. We've been dabbling lightly in the idea for a few years now, and we finally realized that taking some major steps, such as legally incorporating, and completing a game, would help us focus and not hold back in fear. And it really has helped, now that we know a bit more what we're doing. But initially, the setup, paperwork, and learning how to stay within legal business guidelines, were things that took a lot of time.

Then there was the bigger change: Kj started kindergarten! As the school year approached, and I was still waiting for the school supply list (which came very delayed in my opinion--not sent out until three days before the first day of school), I realized that September was going to be full of orientations, meetings, doctor visits to get early childhood vaccinations up to date and to check in with the psychologist, as well as some expected time spent guiding Kj through some big feelings that come up during a big change like this.

For those reasons, I realized my plate was full, so I temporarily took blogging off of that plate.
Now that things have settled down, and I have a new schedule in place, I'm ready to bring it back.

I feel a little rusty in my writing voice, but I'm excited get back into it. 🙂

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