The date was booked on the calendar. There was a hiccup. The date was taken off the calendar. Then the weather turned around and the hiccup subsided. The date was back on the calendar with a few twists.

Departure time changed. Locations shifted. Time allotment was reduced. Many variables but the plan was about the fresh air. The ride on the motorcycle. Destination unknown. Path was unscripted. The scenic route. Just the way it should be. Carefree ride to nowhere and back amidst the fresh air and hustle of a Saturday on the roadway. Exit suburbia. Enter the countryside. Off the cruisers go.

Cool crisp breeze. Fresh smell of cut grass. Fall leaves starting to show in the breeze. Wind in the face. Revving of engines. Kids waving at stop lights. Some cruising tunes. Some biker attire. Some good pals along side for the ride. Just a quick escape from the daily grind. Away from the blah of daily to dos. Maybe even a little shadow chasing.

2 Motorcyles

2 passengers

2 drivers

2 cameras (passengers of course)

Just making some memories on a weekend. Took in some interesting sights and smells along the way. The pop up bbq stand at the corner gas station. It smelled amazing. Our tummies were full so no stop but the smell was treat in itself. The cyclists on the roadway. One who wanted to hog the whole road but that's okay. I could have touched when we passed but I opted not to for safety reasons.

A few giggles. A few eye rolls. Another on road adventure in the books for this foursome. Short but sweet. So many cool things to see along the way. From old run down buildings to seeing animals up close on a fence line. The ride in the fresh air always brings new experiences. Opt outside when you can. Take in the new scenery. Enjoy the less traveled path. Spend times with friends. Exit the ordinary to experience the extraordinary.

 How long will it be until we ride again? Where will we go? What will the weather be like? Will we get lost? So many questions. Until the next ride, peace to all.