And, this woman, actually, put up with this LOSER for, TWENTY-SEVEN whole years too!!!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

A woman, May (a false name), filed for divorce with the courts, on the means that her husband, Yong (a false name) is way too macho, and emotional abuse on her, restricting her religious beliefs, and such to file for divorce, as the family court held its trial, the husband denied the accusations, but the daughter testified, that her father had, rejected her mother for having a religious belief, the judge considered, that the two couldn't make up anymore, and allowed for the divorce.

May stat4ed, that she and her husband Yong had been married twenty-seven years, has two adult children together, that after they were wed, Yong behaved like a macho man, not only did he get loud with her often, and, he'd, smacked the tables whenever things displeased him, and, sometimes, ignored her existence altogether, he'd even, shut down her FB, as well as LINE accounts too, and they have too different a religious belief systems.

May told, that once, as she was headed over to the dojo for her retreat, her husband threatened to "show her", and when she'd returned home, she'd found the kitchen floor covered with the shattered chinaware, and the dish dryer also got, thrown out too, her husband disallowed her to have a belief system, and, barred her from going to the religious retreats, and she'd, decided, to file for divorce.

And so, this man thought he could control this woman, by barring her from her freedom of religions, and this IS, the most basic rights of humans, to believe what we all want to believe, and, this LOSER tried stopping his wife from attending the religious gatherings, and this, is illegal, because nobody should have a control on what someone else believes, or if someone selected to practices some sort of a religions.  And the judge had finally signed off on the divorce of this woman from this woman.

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